And that's just one stream flowing into the rising river of panic. Drudge did his level best to raise the flood yesterday when he managed, at one point, to stack about 10-15 headline links above the blood red screaming head.
But services like Bloombergare also doing their level best to conflate fact with fear:
"The first case was seen in Mexico on April 13. The outbreak coincided with the President Barack Obama’s trip to Mexico City on April 16. Obama was received at Mexico’s anthropology museum in Mexico City by Felipe Solis, a distinguished archeologist who died the following day from symptoms similar to flu, Reforma newspaper reported. The newspaper didn’t confirm if Solis had swine flu or not."
Slap a face-mask on your keyboard, kids. There's going to be no escaping this tsunami of alarm online. It's everywhere and now it's here. But dropping your net connection will not inoculate you from the infovirus either.
How quickly can Swine Flu make you sick? About 90 minutes of CNN should do it.
Posted by Vanderleun at April 26, 2009 8:04 AMA meme twitters halfway 'round the world before the flu can get its cooties in.
Posted by: Gagdad Bob at April 26, 2009 8:46 AMTO: Vanderleun
RE: Drudge & 'Panic'
Drudge did his level best to raise the flood yesterday when he managed, at one point, to stack about 10-15 headline links above the blood red screaming head. -- Vanderleun
I think YOU'RE 'over-reacting'.
Back in my youth as a young officer in the 82d, the guy who lived across the carports from me in on-post duplex housing for married company-grade officers was assigned to the division's intell battalion. He intimated over beers one afternoon, that he got better intelligence information FASTER from the wire services than he did through 'official channels'. I suspect they had all kinds of televisions and wire service printers going all the time. Just to keep ahead of the proverbial power-curve.
Drudge is doing the same service TODAY. How do I say that? Well....
....I've been working with my local public health department on preparation for pandemic avian flu these last few years. And whenever I've seen something of interest pop-up on the proverbial web-based radar, I've passed it to my POC there. They've ALWAYS been appreciative of the information.
In this instance, I get the distinct impression that they were, once again, given the information via me to them from Drudge before 'official channels' made them aware of the situation. And, based on THIS report, I think I'm correct.
Drudge is not in 'panic' mode. If he were, we wouldn't be getting much of anything from him. Why? Because he'd have fled to the proverbial hills.
RE: Panicky People
You'll find them EVERYWHERE. Especially if they get the news that there's trouble only when it smacks them in the face.
The earlier you learn of a potential problem, the better off you are.
When this business first manifested itself, the report was that 65 people out of the 144 who were known to have contracted it were DEAD. That's a 45% mortality rate. That's rather 'significant'. And good reason to take interest and alert others to the potential.
However, as an old axiom in the military goes....
Things are never as good nor as bad as initially reported.
That appears, today, to once again be true. As the mortality rate NOW looks to be only 6%....oddly enough that's in Mexico. As we've had not fatalities YET of the 200+ cases reported in the US. [Note: And THAT has GOT to be causing the people at WHO a LOT of consternation. WHY???!!? Is it their diet? The water? The toothpaste?]
I, for one, appreciate the intelligence work Drudge is doing for me. If you think he's panicky, I suspect you've never REALLY dealt with life and/or death situations and are projecting.
[Don't Panic -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]
Psssst. Chuck knows EVERYTHING.
Posted by: Maggie45 at April 26, 2009 10:23 AMWait until they start using the Mexican flu as an excuse to bring back the Assault Weapons Ban.
Posted by: Nigel Tufnel at April 26, 2009 10:40 AMI suppose it's too much to hope that this will lead to a better secured border with Mexico.
Let no crisis should go to waste!
Posted by: Sam at April 26, 2009 10:58 AMMy only comment is 90 minutes of CNN will kill me, flu or no flu. I simply dread airports for this exact reason.
Posted by: Peg C. at April 26, 2009 11:08 AMTO: Maggie45
RE: Heh
Psssst. Chuck knows EVERYTHING. -- Maggie45
Still 'jealous', babe? Doesn't look good on you.
P.S. What's your degree in? Anything like microbiology?
I blame the swine flu outbreak on the porkulus.
Posted by: Connecticut Yankee at April 26, 2009 11:33 AMChuck, how many people in Mexico DF just had the gripe and never mentioned it?
Seven percent mortality would be twice what was seen in the Spanish flu. In 1918. With no antibiotics for secondary infections, no antivirals, very little access to oxygen and no respirators.
Posted by: Charlie (Colorado) at April 26, 2009 11:51 AMTO: Charlie (Colorado)
RE: How Many Had the 'Gripe'? many people in Mexico DF just had the gripe and never mentioned it? -- Charlie (Colorado)
The 'gripe' is a gastro-intestinal ailment characterized by 'gripping' pain. It's not necessarily a gross symptom of flu. Flu, when it goes after the G-I tract usually involves nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea. [Note: According to my sources, some of the victims are experiencing diarrhea. But it's going to depend on the constitution of the victim....and their genetics.]
As for how many may have had this flu and not reported it? Unknown. And I doubt if the 'officials' know it either.
I'm not thoroughly in the proverbial 'loop'. And I doubt if my sources are being fully informed by 'official channels'. For example....I queried them on gross symptoms. They rejected 'cough' for this. However, I've seen in the media provided by Drudge several reports of a cough associated with this flu.
Who should I believe? 'Official channels'? Or what the wire-services, via Drudge, are reporting?
Generally speaking, when I see a single report of something, I'll hold it for future reference. When that report is repeated by several other sources of reasonable reliability, I begin to take the information more seriously. In the meantime, 'official channels' is still denying the report.
RE: Mortality Rates
Seven percent mortality would be twice what was seen in the Spanish flu. In 1918. -- Charlie (Colorado)
Yes. I IS serious. I'm not saying that 6-7% mortality rate ISN'T. But it's not nearly as serious as 45%.
RE: Then and Now
With no antibiotics for secondary infections, no antivirals, very little access to oxygen and no respirators. -- Charlie (Colorado)
People in remote locations, with little medical could have a serious problem on their hands if the disease manifests itself amongst them.
On the other hand, if the metro hospitals are overwhelmed with patients, the situation is likely to be even worse in such locations.
....who in their right mind wants to go to an emergency room where most everyone is coughing up a lung and many of them are going to die? Especially if all the individual did was sprain an ankle. Or even bust a leg.
Yes. The local officials and facilities are planning on doing triage. But still and all....hospitals have been know, of late, to be places that if you go in, you might contract something you didn't have in the first place...with all the ancillary 'fun and games'.
This will only make that probability rise.
RE: What's a Body to Do?
Be prepared.
Talking things over with the locals, they anticipate 2-3 weeks of 'Social Distancing'. In other words, unless you are an important person who works in government, health care, emergency services, utilities, food/pharmacy distribution or something like that, YOU STAY IN YOUR HOUSE!
And, they seemed to be of the opinion that the flu, whatever the form, would sweep across the country 2-to-4 times. Each with a 2-3 week period of 'Social Distancing'.
RE: In Summary
I can't tell how bad this will be. But I do notice that DHS has declared a "National Emergency" is in effect. [Note: Hell! We've been in a state of "national emergency" for one thing or another since Ronald Reagan re-instituted that state of affairs. Clinton and the Bushs re-iterated it with their administrations. What the hell it means is unknown. I asked my Congressional delegation what sort of powers such a 'state' allowed the federal government, that they wouldn't have otherwise, but NONE of them replied.]
What's the point?
Be Prepared.
[Chance favors the prepared mind. -- Louis Pasteur, Father of Modern Microbiology]
TO: Connecticut Yankee
RE: Interesting Point
I blame the swine flu outbreak on the porkulus. -- Connecticut Yankee
But look at it from THIS perspective.
What is the impact of 2-3 months of 'Social Distancing' on the average American?
You don't go to work, unless you're considered 'essential personnel'.
Where's your 'pay check'? Then again, how do you pay your bills? Your mortgage? Buy food? Buy medicine? Especially if you don't have a credit card?
Wouldn't it have been nice if the federal government could offer to 'bail-out' such individuals and families? Instead of bailing out big corporations? Or paying for more golf-courses and Hawaiian canoe tours?
But now that money is supposedly 'spent'.
P.S. Hmmmmm.....there might be a conspiracy theory in there somewhere.....
I think I'll watch Twelve Monkeys tonight.....
Posted by: Chuck Pelto at April 26, 2009 12:20 PMI see from one of the tweets that the border patrol has stepped up activities. Does this mean they're shooting swine flu viruses on sight? Or are they releasing the viruses on their own recognizance to appear in medical court later?
Posted by: John Gardner at April 26, 2009 1:46 PMI see from one of the tweets that the border patrol has stepped up activities. Does this mean they're shooting swine flu viruses on sight? Or are they releasing the viruses on their own recognizance to appear in medical court later?
Posted by: John Gardner at April 26, 2009 1:46 PMTO: John Gardner
RE: Heh
I see from one of the tweets that the border patrol has stepped up activities. Does this mean they're shooting swine flu viruses on sight? -- John Gardner
I remember the epidemic of ebola in Africa some years ago and how the 'media' was putting up electron-microscopi images of the dreaded virus. And I thought to myself, a caption for the image....
Have you seen this killer?
If so, contact your local FBI or CDC office.....
[9 out of 10 serial killers own cats.]
I suspect that ebola is that 10th 'serial killer'.....
Posted by: Chuck Pelto at April 26, 2009 2:10 PMMake it stop, Gerard.
Posted by: Askmom at April 26, 2009 5:33 PMTO: All
RE: Be Prepared
Look.... undergrad work was microbiology, with an emphasis on pathogens.
In the 1980s, I was introduced to homeopathy. I was VERY skeptical of it at first, but having seen it proven effective on myself and my youngest daughter, when she was but a wee thing in a crib, I've been convinced that it IS effective. Especially against things that the AMA, for all their 'worth', cannot cope with. That INCLUDES viral infections.
Since then I've practiced it on myself and my family to great effect.
What's my 'point'?
So far, the AMA and the drug companies have not had much success in treating viral infections. And what little success they HAVE experienced is too little to treat the entire planet.
What's a body to do?
I recommend you look into homeopathy.
Well, based on what little I know, it seems that during the previous Swine Flu pandemic, the reports I've picked up on indicate that 90% of the afflicted who were treated by homeopaths LIVED. While 90% of the afflicted treated by the allopaths, i.e., AMA types, died. [Note: That's just my 'understanding'. But based on the experience of 20 years, I can see the possible truth in it. If I can recognize the symptoms and have the materia medica on hand, I can squelch a viral flu or cold in about 15 minutes. But, even if I don't have a perfect match between symptoms and materia medica, I can at least dramatically reduce the gross symptoms. And that might be all it takes to get 'over the proverbial hump' and survive.]
Hope this helps someone out there.
[A doctor's reputation is made by the number of eminent men who die under his care. -- George Bernard Shaw]
Well, perhaps, but I'd note that homeopathy in general does not enjoy a high reputation as a solution for virual infections. Indeed, it often seems that homeopathy verges on quackery. Perhaps not in all cases, but that seems to be the general impression.
Why do you think that is?
Posted by: vanderleun at April 26, 2009 9:47 PMTO: vanderleun
RE: Homeopathy
Well, perhaps, but I'd note that homeopathy in general does not enjoy a high reputation as a solution for virual infections -- vanderleun
My experience is that it's MUCH better than allopathy at dealing with viral infections. And certainly better than nothing.
RE: Quackery often seems that homeopathy verges on quackery. Perhaps not in all cases, but that seems to be the general impression. -- vanderleun
Care to try a little home-test?
Here's a little experiment you can do in your own home.
[1] Buy a bottle of cantharis, 6X to 30C 'miracle dilution' should work. [Note: They have it at Vitamin Cottage or some similar health-food store operation.]
[2] Bring your oven to 400°F.
[3] Put a stainless steel skillet or pan in the over.
[4] Bake the skillet at 400°F for one hour.
[5] Remove the skillet from the oven and put it on the top of the stove.....USING YOUR BARE HANDS.
[6] After you've stopped dancing around the room and screaming obscenities, take four tablets of cantharis of the 'miracle dilution' you've purchased. The process is to put them UNDER your tongue and let them dissolve on their own. Do NOT swollow them.
If your experience is the same as MINE—and this has happened to me on four occasions, but strictly by accident—the pain will go away in about 15 minutes and there will be little or no scar tissue.
First instance while cooking for an Alpha Course dinner. Someone put a stainless steel pan in front of me to dish up food from without telling me where the pan had been; straight out of the hot oven. Instant 2d degree burns. Since I had no cantharis with me at the church, I had to wait until I finished the supper and drove home. All the while in very interesting pain in both hands. Fifteen minutes after the cantharis, no pain. Blisters went away without any scar tissue.
Another instance, a small fire in my candle making shop. Hot wax got on the electric burners were had been red hot. I tried to put the small fire out by smothering it with a towel. Unfortunately, I had not covered my hand completely and a pinkie finger came into contact with the burner element. Instant 3d degree burn. But a nice crispy mahogony brown.
Took cantharis. Pain gone in 15 minutes. Pain tried to return two hours later. More cantharis, no more pain. No scar tissue.
Try it yourself....
However, I DO recommend you try it in treating an accident instead of on purpose.
A bottle of cantharis can be had at any good Vitamin store, e.g., Vitamin Cottage, for about $7. Is that too much to invest in first aid? Or an experiment?
Furthermore, if anyone can tell me how scar tissue not forming after a severe burn is a psychosomatic response or a placebo effect, I'd REALLY like to hear it.
P.S. I realize that there is something of a difference between a physical injury and a viral infection. However, I think that people can more easily experiment with something as common as a severe burn than they can with a horrid illness. And, perhaps, if they learn from that experience, they might realize that they can benefit from this technique in other ways, i.e., coping with a deadly pandemic.
Posted by: Chuck Pelto at April 26, 2009 10:59 PMP.P.S. Again the 'quackery'....
I understand the AMA has done a good job of making homeopathy appear so.
However, over in Europe it is used extensively. Even the Queen of England uses it. Along with the rest of the Royal family.
Oh. But the AMA doesn't have a monopoly on medicine over there. Does it?
You're welcome to use or ignore this information.....
Posted by: Chuck Pelto at April 26, 2009 11:06 PMSerious note re 'flu (and colds, but they normally don't kill you): One herbal remedy known (yes known, trialled on animals and in people in double-blind trials) to work in colds and 'flu is the humble elderberry, notably in extract form. It's even known how it works; the virus uses hyaluronidase (IIRC) on its surface to "crack open" the cell wall in order to get in and start reproducing. Substances in the elderberry inactivate that enzyme so the virus can't infect.
One animal trial was on our closest relatives, chimpanzees (in Tel Aviv zoo as it happens): At one time, every winter a high proportion of the chimps in that zoo caught 'flu and a rather high proportion died. To cut a long story short, when the trial was done the infection rate among chimps prophylactically treated with elderberry was zero.
It is also notable that (in my experience at least) elderberry is the sort of remedy that has to be kept at hand. Use it at the first sneeze or tickle at the back of the throat, and it has a much better chance of working.
I hope this is useful.
Be careful, though. Elderberries have a strange affinity for yellow fever.
Posted by: Clayton Jones at April 27, 2009 1:05 AMTO: All
RE: What Cha Gonna Do....
CDC is now reporting that no vaccine works against this flu.
If things get as bad in Mexico City as they did during the Black Death of the 14th Century, we'll see doctors and nurses fleeing the hospitals there. Just like the Roman Catholic priests did during the Black Death then.
Let's watch and see.....and pray.....
[Courage is your greatest current need.]
TO: All
RE: Ahehnnn
If things get as bad in Mexico City as they did during the Black Death of the 14th Century, we'll see doctors and nurses fleeing the hospitals there. Just like the Roman Catholic priests did during the Black Death then. -- Chuck Pelto
Looks like there are reports of that sort of thing already happening......
Mexico faces criticism over swine flu response
Here's the critical sentence....
And while the government urges anyone who feels sick to go to hospitals, feverish people complain ambulance workers are scared to pick them up. -- the article
[History repeats itself.....]