March 22, 2004

The "Higher Beings" on Schiavo

HERE'S HOW THE TOP 10 ["HIGHER BEING"] BLOGS of The Truth Laid Bear's Blogosphere Ecosystem stand on the Terri Schiavo issue today. Posted in order of ranking.

Glenn @ Instapundit: No opinion on the case itself, but believes congress was wrong to butt in.

Charles Johnson @ Little Green Footballs: "Search results for schiavo (0 matches)."

Kos @ Daily Kos. Schiavo is a prop for their [Christian evangelicals] real agenda. Kos at Daily Kos: "Schiavo is a prop for their [Christian evangelicals] real agenda."

Deacon @ Power Line "It looks like we're heading for a terrible result here. Congress has passed legislation that raises serious federalism and rule-of-law concerns. And Terri Schiavo is probably going to die at the hands of the state anyway."

Ed Kilgore @ Talking Points Memo by Joshua Micah Marshall: "So the question will remain: having framed the Schiavo case as "murder" and "barbarism" and "medical terrorism," does Tom DeLay now just say, "Well, the family had its day in court," and forget about it? Or will the culture-war implications of the case make it escalate?"

Eugene Volokh @ The Volokh Conspiracy "I know nothing about the Schiavo matter, and despite that have no opinion. But I thought I'd pass along three items — (1) in favor of the Congressional action, an interview with Robert P. George, (2) in the middle, a post from my colleague Stephen Bainbridge, and (3) against the Congressional action, a post to a lawprof discussion list..."

Atrios @ Eschaton: "And the Republican clown show continues..."

Michelle Malkin: THE LATEST ON TERRI SCHIAVO: Large collections of links continuously updated.

Captain Ed @ Captain's Quarters: "It almost sounds like Whittemore treated this as an appeal rather than the square-one approach called for by the law Congress passed. Whittemore should have treated this case as a fresh filing, and therefore should have restored nutrition and hydration to Terri while both sides presented evidence and testimony, not just 30 minutes each of legal briefs and argument."

Cory and the kids @ Boing Boing: Far too busy with "wonderful things."

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Posted by Vanderleun at March 22, 2004 4:09 PM | TrackBack
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

I count 2 in 10 that "choose life." This certainly reinforces my reluctance to abide by popular opinion. I suppose my friends will now start accusing me of joining the Religious Right.

Posted by: slimedog at March 23, 2005 1:47 AM

It would seem the Bogisphere Brain Trust is lacking in Moral Clarity. But I think we already knew that.

Posted by: NC3 at March 23, 2005 3:59 AM

This isn't necessarily a referendum on the Higher Beings, just an observation.

Posted by: Jeremiah at March 23, 2005 8:00 AM

its about federalism, not religion. congress got it right when it refused to second guess, or preempt the states right to decide the death penalty, it is wrong on schiavo.

Posted by: michael at March 23, 2005 10:07 AM

Once you accept what persistent vegatative state means, there is no point in belaboring the inevitable.

Posted by: The Owner's Manual at March 23, 2005 10:16 AM

I'm amazed at the lack of humility among many other bloggers, who purport to know more than the judges & doctors. And Taranto did a full 180, accusing the circuit court of judicial passivity!

Posted by: jeff at March 23, 2005 4:27 PM

Glenn Reynolds' and other 'top' bloggers' non-positions on the Schiavo matter have certainly had an impact on me. I've removed their urls from my bookmarks list and will never visit them again. To me, 'not having a position' means assent to killing an innocent human being;; I'm sure that's how every 'good German' felt.

Gerard, thanks for being one of the few top writers in the blogosphere to be engaged in this crucial fight against the Culture of Death.

Posted by: Eric Gagnon at March 25, 2005 3:26 PM

Thank you for your kind remarks. I perfectly understand your position on those that have "no position."

That said, I also have to say that I do not agree that those with "no position" on this matter means that they "assent to killing an innocent human being." I think it means that they sincerely have no position and while that is hard for people to accept, we need to take them at their word and respect that.

I, as is quite evident, have a position on the Schiavo matter and oppose with what ever powers I may have those that take the opposite position.

I do not, in this instance, believe that one should be either for or against. In this instance, I do believe it is possible to be neutral or to take no position.

Posted by: Gerard Van Der Leun at March 25, 2005 3:52 PM
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