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March 19, 2009


Why bother? Two insights into argument:
1. Bob @ One Cʘsmos "I realized why I don't like to argue with leftists. The problem is, it's like a monster movie, or a nightmare, in which you keep pumping bullets into the demon, but it has no effect. And where's the satisfaction in that? "
2) Daphne @ Jaded Haven These colossal fuck-trumpets, clutching fat, primary colored crayons, have no desire to scan the horizons for a clue; picking their toes serves as sufficientinspiration to wield a limited vocabulary and lack of cogent reasoning skills like a sack of putrid dead cats. Perusing the tedious droppings of these quarter-wits is akin to fighting your way through a dry stack of bethorned snatch, covered in clouds of endless bramble.

Posted by Vanderleun at March 19, 2009 11:36 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.