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September 18, 2008

Burn, baby, burn!
"Here is one government program to fix the housing crisis:  buy and destroy homes.  The government did this with food during the Depression, in order to increase food prices (to help farmers).  That was tough on food consumers, just as destroying houses would increase living costs.  Despite what politicians say, that is how most government programs work — aiding one group at the expense of another group (often a much larger but less organized group)." - A vital but widely misunderstood aspect of our financial crisis « Fabius Maximus

Or just blow them to smithereens:
Some Orlando, Fla., residents get a bombshell: Homes built atop World War II training range The corps says it's extremely unlikely any of the buried munitions would detonate, but that's done little to calm nerves. The value of the homes — which originally cost $200,000 to $600,000 — has dropped by at least a third.

Posted by Vanderleun at September 18, 2008 9:30 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

And the Apollo Moon program and all its equipment and facilities were dismantled so that we would have to rely on the Shuttle; the SR-71 spy plane's tooling for Titanium parts were destroyed because the Air Force wanted to build something spiffier (Congress turned them down); ditto with the X-15 space plane.

At the bottom of the Potomac, near it's mouth, lie the burned-down hulks of surplus ships from World War I.

What we, the people, could have done with the money spent had we been allowed to keep it.

Posted by: Roderick Reilly at September 18, 2008 9:52 AM

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