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April 2, 2006

ON THE RETURN OF HISTORY: IN THE DAYS AFTER THE TOWERS FELL, in the ash that covered the Brooklyn street where I lived at that time, in the smoke that rose for months from that spot across the river, when rising up in the skyscraper I worked in....

TO BLOGGERS FROM BORDERS: Now you and the other bloggers who are sitting around safe in your undisclosed locations may feel that I have a duty ....

THE GO BAG: About quarter to nine this serene Sunday morning, as I was sitting down and wondering what to write about, the house bumped me....

THE MAN WHO LOVED NOT WISELY, BUT AT LEAST TWICE: Many, many years ago I founded and ran my second magazine in San Francisco. In time, I sold my share out to my partner and, flush with cash for the first time in my life, decided to move to New England with my then live-in love ....

WHERE THE BUFFALO ROAM: He'd hunted big game for years all over the United States. Hunting was a way of life to him. But, in all those years, he'd never shot a buffalo. ...

VISIT TO AN OLD FRIEND: The old story. You wonder about a friend you haven't been in touch with for a decade. You meet someone who knows someone who knows him....

THE AGE OF MIRACLES AND WONDERS AND BUNLESS WHOPPERS: Meditate on the deeper truth that is revealed in the simple and mundane mantra, "Bunless Whopper...."

THE MAN WHO CARRIED THE DARK LANTERN: Watching the ancient demon of alcholism return to take control of someone you love, and begin to kill them slowly with euphoria is a hard witness to bear alone....

TEN YEARS GONE: THESE DAYS NEW FRIENDS come more rarely and old friends begin to leave more often. Fate, accidents, God's will, and misunderstandings take them, as they shall take us all, as the years roll on.....

Posted by Vanderleun at April 2, 2006 7:43 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.