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January 01, 2005

PC USERS -- START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT BY READING AND IMPLEMENTING "How to fix Mom's computer" FROM GINA TRAPANI @ [Scribbling.net] "Went home for the holidays this week, and of course, the annual fix-Mom's-computer event. This year things on my mother-in-law's Windows 98 PC were especially bad; it could've been used as a software showcase of the latest and greatest in malware. "

A step-by-step guide to getting that Windows machine into the best shape possible [for Windows, that is.] . Trapani is performing a great service for the Windows Prisoners of the human race. Check it out and make it happen. And pass the link along.

Remember, the computer you save may be your own.

Posted by Vanderleun at January 1, 2005 11:52 AM from American Digest


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