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May 20, 2017

No. Just No.


Uniquely Designed Jeans That Easily Convert Into High Cut Shorts Either In Front or On the Side

Posted by gerardvanderleun at May 20, 2017 8:28 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Ramco's newest jeans, with our patented Sexual Assault Facilitation System. [It's not just parts. It's a SYSTEM.] Ready to go in a jiffy, or half-a-tick, as they (I don't know exactly whom, but no doubt some of the nibs) say. Just pull the rip cord conveniently located in the gouch area, yell Yeehaaa, and you're ready to go.

And for those with foul and loathsome knees (Hillary Clinton springs, or rather sags, hideously, to mind), try our Transparent Pants. In addition to revealing the full horror of your joint, you can close the cuffs, with our patented Cuff Closure System, fill your pants with fresh water, and slip in a fish or two, to enjoy our new Visible Fish in Your Pants System.

What, after all, is more refreshing than a carp in your shorts?

"Nothing," says Anthony Weiner, as he is led away in tears.

Posted by: Lance de Boyle at May 20, 2017 12:46 PM

Plastic chafes. That's why we can wear polyester blends for durability and certain purposes, but for comfort we wear cotton or wool or, if we're rich enough, silk.(especially for underwear where you have sensitive bits) Putting plastic at the joints is going to chafe big time Plastic is tougher than skin. Bad fashion design from an engineering comfort point of view having plastic at the knees or anywhere there is friction.

Posted by: Speller [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 22, 2017 2:45 AM

A forgotten 1981 movie saw this coming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=io53QMwHZ48

Posted by: Skorpion at May 25, 2017 3:41 PM

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