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April 17, 2017

Leftists are r-strategist migrant psychologies, programmed to crave being surrounded by the strange and the foreign.

The only thing is, given those urges to be surrounded by the foreign, they have to choose –

is it better to migrate out to some third world shithole, or is it better to stay put and import that foreign quality which they are programmed to want to be surrounded by? Even as it is blatantly clear that Islam is death, and their migrant policies will only fuck up the entire continent for decades at least, they cannot deny their urges. They need that foreign component. So they import it. - Liberal and Conservative Politics

Posted by gerardvanderleun at April 17, 2017 9:35 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Leftists import that foreign component because:
a) they practice identity politics and they need a plethora of different identities in order to divide and conquer
b) they want to destroy the Legacy culture and since true culture bubbles up from the grassroots they have to import large masses from cultures which are unlikely to adopt the Legacy culture
c) the welfare state is key to Leftist control, and since Americans are getting better off Leftists need to import poor people who won't lift themselves out of poverty

Posted by: Speller [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 17, 2017 10:17 AM

"...is it better to migrate out to some third world shithole..."

No, of course not. To do so would require commitment on their part and children never commit to anything except fun, Fun, FUN!

Far better for them to import it because other people will bear the cost and the children can continue to practice irresponsible behavior.

~"Cut the freebies, enforce the law."~

Posted by: ghostsniper at April 18, 2017 4:13 AM

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