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February 26, 2017

Trumpocalypse: the messy flatulence of the Resistance |

Third thing, who are the young, idealistic, exciting stars coming up the DNC ladder in Obama’s wake? They seem to not exist.
Or if they do exist, they are exciting only to the Leftist choir already wailing about gender warfare, racial angst, homophobia, transphobia, victim classifications, and an insistence that the only thing wrong with America, is that the white middle didn’t disappear the way the white middle was told to disappear, during the Obama Presidency. This tells me that without a major wake-up call, the DNC is going to double down in 2020. They will almost surely run a woman — because “women were denied” in 2016. That woman stands a good chance of being non-white, or at least non-straight; to tie in with the identitarian nature of our fractured political discourse. And she will excoriate the “deplorable” half of the country with even more severe rhetoric than either Hillary or Barrack deployed. Because if the riots and marches tell us anything, it’s that the way to “take back” the country, is to call people names twice as hard as they were being called names before. Brad R. Torgersen

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 26, 2017 7:57 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

The Democrats who have been far left for 40 plus years have taken a sharp turn to the left. I think they are making a mistake in their effort to be "tolerant" while preaching hate of Republicans, men, whites and straights they are embracing more fringe groups. Arguably this worked once. That is in the 60's and 70's after the Democrats tried hard to prevent civil rights for blacks they adopted a pro-civil and special rights attitude to bring in more blacks and other special interest groups. This actually worked for them back then. But now it's different. How do you embrace Muslims and their hatred of gays and their misogynistic treatment of women and keep the gays and feminists? How do you embrace illegal aliens and hispanics and keep the blacks? Up till now this was done by a slight of hand and promoting hatred of the Republicans but when there isn't enough free stuff to go around some of the old special interest groups are going to be marginalized so that the new special interest groups can be seduced for the cause. That means the gerrymandering that gave blacks congressional districts may have to now give hispanics and muslims their own congressional districts. That means maybe black lives don't matter as much as Hispanic lives or Muslim lives. That means more hijabs must be show at their fake activists demonstrations and the media will ignore the pussy hats. What is happening is the Democrat party is leaving some people in their effort to be "more inclusive" of others. Will Jews be offended by things Keith Ellison has said. Can the very offensive and prejudiced Tom Perez thread the needle between bringing in new special interest groups and not offending existing Democrat. Can they manage that much diversity?

Posted by: GoneWithTheWind at February 26, 2017 8:27 AM

I hope they run Kamala Harris. She makes Patty Murray look smart.

Posted by: BillH at February 26, 2017 10:06 AM

The Democrapped Potty has driveled itself into the toilet bowl of mediocrity with their neo-Marxisr moronics masquerading as progressivism.
Flush with renewed rancor let's hope they flush themselves down the poop chute to pinko perdition.
The BLM'ers (Blame Labeling Mindless) would be somewhat honorable if they allied themselves with inner city church groups and otherwise as vigilante groups to maintain law, order, and school education values and discipline.
At the moment, BLM, behaves like a Bowel Loose Movement to the brain. Practice John Boyd's OODA looping as applied to true social progress. Going from dumclux to dumfux is not progress, it's regress to the mean and vicious.

Posted by: Howard Nelson at February 26, 2017 6:42 PM

Fauxcahontas has a replacement- Rachel Dolezal.
Except the old hag is holding down the younger...

Generational War - its the only thing the Left hasn't tried, now that tribal war is not working for them, so lets help them...

Posted by: foodog at February 26, 2017 7:12 PM

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