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February 23, 2017

The Plight of the Parasites

It is not just the government end of the managerial state that will come under extreme pressure from the changes wrought by technology.
Look at the media. CNN draws an average 2 million viewers for its top shows. They get a little over a buck per month from every cable household, even though 99% do not watch CNN. Cord cutting is blowing up this model, which means technology is threatening 95% of CNN’s revenue base. This is the crisis facing every cable TV channel. When the damn breaks and those revenues disappear, it means jobs for media people disappear with them. | The Z Blog

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 23, 2017 8:04 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I subscribed to cable for years and then one day it occurred to me that I was sick of all of the QVC type channels, the TV preachers and religious programs, dozens of music channels, and crap, crap, crap news stations.

So, I canceled my cable and land line, bought a $60.00 digital antenna at Best Buy and subscribed to Netflix for documentary and whatever movies it offered. I've never looked back and I still get all of the TV I've ever wanted.

The very idea that ATT would force me to purchase all of the shit it offers on a basic subscription and then charge me extra for the only decent thing it offered was enough to get me to cut the cord and I wouldn't own cable again under any circumstances.

Posted by: Jack at February 23, 2017 9:02 AM

I would. On MY terms. But they'll go down in flames before they consider the art of the deal.

I cut all of them loose years ago, but here's my deal:

They sell me 5 channels per month at $1.00 per channel. Each of those channels will be commercial free and corner logo's will be absent and no contract - I get to drop out or suspend at any time.

There it is, and I bet there are at least 10,000,000 people that would seriously consider something similar.

Will they take it?
Hell no.
They'd rather die in shame than survive in honor.

Posted by: ghostsniper at February 23, 2017 6:27 PM

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