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January 3, 2017

the biggest factor in why our clothes aren’t clean and our dishes are dirty.

The government forced soap manufacturers to remove from soap the thing that makes them work for these purposes: phosphates
. Phosphates, used in soap from the middle ages until the 1980s, break down the soap after it has done its work and allow the water to wash it away along with the dirt and oil it scrubbed out of the clothes. Now, soaps lack this crucial ingredient. In order to add it back in, you have to go to the paint section of the hardware store and buy it in a box (TSP, the real stuff, not the artificial kind). Add a quarter cup to your wash. You would be amazed at the difference it makes. Things actually get more-or-less clean. Your Shower Is Lame, Your Dishwasher Doesn’t Work, and Your Clothes are Dirty | Foundation for Economic Education [Note: Works for me.]

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 3, 2017 8:59 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Little by little the gov't is making the people need it less and less.

There comes a time where the people will want the gov't less and less.

Finally, the people will realize that the gov't is damaging them more and more.

The part I never understood was why anyone every thought they needed it in the first place.

Herd hypnotism or overt laziness or both.

Posted by: ghostsniper at January 3, 2017 2:09 PM

Ooooohhhh, and don't forget the light bulbs. How I would like to strangle, if I could find the sorry SOB, who proposed compact fluorescent or LED bulbs, and get my hands around his spindly little neck.

They claim the bulbs generate HEAT. Oh, yes, they do ... but those of us who live north of the equator and spend most of the months out of the year freezing our ashes off trying to keep the house warm. While it wasn't much, those incandescent little buggers did just enough to take the chill off. Since I can't use my "heat" lights anymore, I've cranked the electric heat up to offset the difference and now my electric bill is through the roof.

Posted by: edaddy at January 3, 2017 6:16 PM

Cass Sunstein. His book, "Nudge". It's a boring,but informative read of how people who perceive themselves as superior think. His lovely wife Samantha Power exemplifies his feminine version of himself.

Posted by: Nori at January 3, 2017 7:09 PM

First you could still buy the old dishwasher detergent in the "Commercial or Institutional" size, which was the same old formula we used to buy at the local store. Then the Feds caught on and banned that, so last month I bought "Fryer Boil-out/ Cascade Professional". Again. The same formulation we used to buy at the local supermarket.
Point is; Hotels, Hospitals, and Restaurants all need nay demand the product that will clean the f'king dishes the first time though the dishwasher.
I guess that is why the EPA is forming up Swat units, to pry the "Fryer Boil-out/ Cascade Professional" out of our cold dead hands.

Posted by: John The River at January 3, 2017 8:41 PM

Real food.


Incandescent light bulbs.

Satisfying shower heads.

Full flush toilets.

High MPG VW diesels.

OH YEAH - DEF particulate stuff too

I'm not seeing a need for government, of any sort.

Posted by: itor at January 3, 2017 9:18 PM

I learned about the TSP addition from Gerard after the SS took the phosphates out of my Cascade Pro. I didn't know about the "Fryer Boil-out/ Cascade Professional" but I'm gonna' find some!

Posted by: MOTUS at January 4, 2017 5:21 AM

I learned about this several years ago. What works pretty good is splooshing a half cup of white vinegar in the bottom of the dishwasher. Also, Mellaluca's dishwasher pods are excellent. They're about $8 for 20 pods.

What makes me mad is that the price of Cascade went up, and now I have to buy the vinegar to make the Cascade work. Typical liberal "solution."

Posted by: NeeNee at January 5, 2017 6:01 PM

I thought it was because my wife left me

Posted by: stevo at January 7, 2017 5:39 AM

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