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January 15, 2017

Let’s plan a party

There should be a complete cleansing of the White House … with fire.
All the feces and urine soaked rugs, drapes, whatever dragged out and turned into a bonfire. Hose down and scrub the exterior with a surgical disinfectant, rip out the grass and shrubs and plant afresh. Turn that arugula garden into an oil stained parking lot reserved for the military who serve the new President. All day long play John Philip Sousa marches at an ear splitting volume and shoot fire works into the sky while Air Force and Navy jets practice strafing runs on DNC headquarters. The military aircraft will also jettison air-born canisters filled with recruitment notices for a full time Marine firing squad whose sole purpose will be to execute traitors. – - IOTW Report

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 15, 2017 2:31 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

If I was Trump I'd open all the windows and doors and let that bitch air out for a full year, then move into the WH in Jan 2018.
In the meantime I'd have everything torn out right down to the plaster and even that would receive a decent sanding.

All furniture - gone.
Sell that shit to the highest bidder.
Left coast LIEbs will get up off'n good coin for that shit.

1) Here's the first oval chair Obammy passed wet gas unto, what am I bid for this fine specimen first set upon by T Jefferson, circa 1798?
2) Next up is a small hassock willed to John Adams in 1809 by his great great granpappy that dragged it over on the Mayflower and that Malia had her first period on, isn't it pretty?
3) And here's the very quill that George himself used to fire up that Whiskey Rebellion to make them big headed citizens who thought this was a free country understand who was boss, which jethro klintin used almost 200 years later to diddle his personal hand maiden, er, intern, and Michelle obliged in her "let's play hide n seek, Barry!, routines.
4) A big assed oval rug, complete with jehtro's jizz stains, georgie's pretzel hurl, and barry's shit stains. 200 years old and still soaking up filth. Come on folks, give it up fer history!

Yep, sand that plaster down at least an 1/8" to get all them afro-sheen stains out, the floors and ceilings too.
Then 9 coats of fine white-white satin of FlexBons finest.

Next up, tear Monticello down and refinish that shit for new hickory flooring throughout the entire domain.

"Melania, MELANIA!, get all your people over here, I want this bitch furnished from top to bottom in a style DC has never seen before!"

Because the entire WH lawn is heavily littered with fried chicken bones, watermelon rinds, grape soda cans, "40" tabs and caps, syringes, and an unbelieveable amount of heavily feces soiled magnum condoms, I'd bring in a fleet of Cat D9's and dig all of it out down to a level of -10.00' and have new shit trucked in from Albuquerque and replanted with all new shit like it was a Trump Tower Dubai.

All WH vehicles - gone.
They'll never get the grease outta that leather.
Plus, you know dam well krak and filed off pistols are stashed everywhere in them.
I want 1000 gold plated vehicles with all options with complete lifetime warranties and 8 years of full maintenance, no questions asked.

Finally, I want a full rack of Franklin Mint engraved full auto M16's installed in every goddam room in the building, fully loaded of course, just because.

Posted by: ghostsniper at January 15, 2017 7:06 PM

That might be worth reupping my cable subcription.

Posted by: Mother Effingby [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 15, 2017 7:59 PM

My eldest, who is stationed in DC after serving in various locations in the world, may be called to serve as an Inaugural Usher. I might see her on the infernal TV. I'll be sure to crow.

Posted by: Mother Effingby [TypeKey Profile Page] at January 15, 2017 8:58 PM

I heard they're having trouble cleaning Michelle's back hair out of the drains.

Posted by: Casey Klahn at January 15, 2017 8:58 PM

Run a scan for hidden microphones, replace all the computer equipment, go over every square inch of the property, especially the new additions, for signs of intelligence and/or security compromise.

Posted by: ahem at January 16, 2017 3:44 AM

Call in an exorcist!

Posted by: Tim Riordan at January 16, 2017 5:24 AM

Ghost you are killing me! Naughty.

Also, wasn't there some sort of new bunker built on Barry's watch? Better check that thing out.

Posted by: pbird at January 16, 2017 9:06 AM

Trumps moving out of mega bucks condo into govt housing. Forcing former habitants into rental home

Posted by: Mhf at January 16, 2017 12:57 PM

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