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November 5, 2016

Spirit Cooking, Simulated Cannibalism and the Election →

Well here are your decadent, immature, worthless elites, amusing themselves with ironic devil-worship dinner parties (ultimately on your dime).
Hollow, diseased people desperate for stimulation. They presume to rule over you, literally rule over you, with the force of the government’s guns. Every one should be hung by the neck until dead. Spirit Cooking, Simulated Cannibalism and the... - HappyAcres

Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 5, 2016 8:40 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Brain damaged, obviously.

This cannot be repaired, as the characters of the participants are crippled.

There is more evil out there than you are capable of imagining and it exists right there in front of your eyes wide shut.

I look at the 80' tall sugar maple from the east and it appears mostly dead as the remaining leaves are mostly brown. So I walk further into the woods in a southerly direction and a few minutes later I look back at that sugar maple and it is on fire, ablaze in reds, oranges, and yellows.

The maple hasn't changed, I have. I now see that sugar maple through the same eyes but from a different perspective and the entire content changed accordingly.

For weeks I have been waiting on the maples to change colors, from my safe perspective on the deck, and they never did. It wasn't until I changed me that the sugar maples changed, and I was rewarded.

The only effect you can have on this planet are those that are implemented in yourself. Expecting others, or the planet itself, to change to accommodate you is unrealistic and unrewarding. Better the world by bettering yourself, it's the only way, and everything else is a lie.

We are planets to each other, drifting in our orbits to a brief eclipse
Each of us a world apart, alone and yet together like two passing ships

Entre Nous

Posted by: ghostsniper at November 5, 2016 1:17 PM

Erie echos to the last days of the Russian empire where the nobility was captivated by the reprobate monk Rasputin. The rot is deep.

Posted by: Tim P at November 5, 2016 3:28 PM

Captivated by the Tsarina,desperately trying to help her hemophiliac son,the heir to the Russian Empire.

Posted by: Nori at November 5, 2016 9:32 PM

What do you suppose the word for Rasputin is in South Korean?

Posted by: Jewel at November 6, 2016 8:18 PM

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