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September 24, 2016

Why do I love poetry so much?

I love it because, although poems say things we are able to say in other ways, there is no substitute for poetry’s ability to merge emotion and mind and gut cognitively, viscerally, and aesthetically. Paraphrasing a poem can explain the thought. But only a poem can express the poem. neo-neocon -- Europe and the Sea of Faith

Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 24, 2016 4:19 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

When I try to read any poem other than the simplest limericks and such, my mind soon begins to wander and I lose track completely of whatever the poem might be trying to offer. (Presuming poems try to offer something.) It's not that I haven't tried. I'm sure this is due to my inadequacies.

Posted by: BillH at September 25, 2016 9:27 AM

BillH, are you sure it's due to your inadequacies? I, too, have had to force myself to read poems beyond limericks, but it's been worth the effort. The reason could be (and I think it's the reason I have to force myself) is that poetry has not been taught in public schools for generations. It's - like - too hard - ya know? We never (outside of a few exceptions) developed a feel for poetry. I recall having to pick and read a poem to the class in eighth grade in the late 60s, but outside of that, nothing. I learned much more about poetry from MAD Magazine parodies than I ever did in school.

Posted by: Harry at September 25, 2016 2:30 PM

Harry, I'm your dad. My schooling was in the '30s-'40s. I can still remember being force fed long poems of every ilk from 8th grade through freshman English in college. I didn't even like Kipling, and I was headed for a military career. I can diagram the hell out of sentences, conjugate verbs until the sun sets and all that, but don't ask me to either analyze or enjoy poetry. I still say it's an inadequacy - I've never been the "feelings" type.

Posted by: BillH at September 26, 2016 7:26 AM

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