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June 20, 2016

American immigration policy is not so much “broken” as increasingly neo-Confederate and illogical

300 state and municipal jurisdictions have declared themselves, in good 1850s fashion, immune from federal law as sanctuary cities,
while over 1 million illegal aliens have at some point been arrested, and make up nearly 30 percent of the federal inmate population. In Orwellian terms, illegal immigration largely from Latin America and Mexico, is called “diversity,” nullification of federal laws is known as “sanctuary cities,” and foreign nationals residing illegally are referred to as “undocumented migrants.” America In Free Fall

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 20, 2016 2:11 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Deny federal funding to "sanctuary cities."
States, deny State funding to sanctuary cities.
Kick the UN out of the US.
Take the US out of the UN.
Protect and patrol the border. Keep new illegals in Arpaio tent cities until we can put them on a bus, train or boat back home.
Require all aliens to register every year (used to have to do so when I was a kid -- Jan 1st of each year all aliens had to register with the feds to show where the lived, what they were up to, that kind of stuff.
Kick illegals out (including visa overstays, etc.)
Arrest, try, and convict (with jail/prison time) employers who knowingly hire illegals.
If a resident alien or naturalized citizen commits a felony, revoke residency status/naturalization and deport them (worked for Mafiosi).
Restart the Bracero program.

Posted by: OldFert [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 21, 2016 6:50 PM

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