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April 28, 2016

I have not endorsed Mr. Trump.

I do refuse to denounce him. – Jerry Pournelle

Posted by gerardvanderleun at April 28, 2016 8:20 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Pournelle writes:

Under Capitalism, the rich become powerful.
Under Socialism, the powerful become rich.
Under Socialism, government employees become powerful.

That's the central problem. But there's one big difference between rich capitalists, and powerful government bureaucrats: the rich eventually die off, and taxes eat up a big portion of their estates. By the 3rd generation, their grandkids are right back in the middle class – or worse. Also, in a free market anyone can get rich, or at least prosper.

On the other hand, a Socialist bureaucracy never dies. It is nameless, faceless, constantly growing, and completely unaccountable (how many EPA heads rolled when they deliberately detroyed the beautiful Animas river? None. Not even a reprimand was issued!)

One of Karl Marx' fears was of an indestructible, immortal, and all-powerful bureaucracy, accountable to only a very select few.

That's what we're seeing. That's the situation in the EU now. Look up some of Nigel Farage's videos. He calls them on it, but they don't care. He bluntly asked the EU President, "Who elected you?" They don't answer because they don't care. They have total (unelected) power.

Now, imagine that you're an EU serf/taxpayer with a grievance. Suppose you can show, chapter and verse, that the EU is breaking its own laws and causing you immense grief. Do you think you will get recourse?

Not a chance. The bureaucracy closes ranks, and the average peon is totally screwed.

And that's what's happening here. But amazingly, there are fools who still push for a world government! As George Orwell said, if that happens, those thugs will have their boot on your face... "...for ever."

His interviewer asked what could be done about that? Orwell's answer: "Don't let them do it." But how to stop them, he didn't say.

It's up to each of us in our own way, no?

Posted by: Smokey [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 28, 2016 2:27 PM

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