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September 7, 2015

Many decades back, Mexico had a comic-book character called Memin Pinguin,


a caricature black kid with exaggerated lips and so on who had adventures with white friends.
In 2005, Mexico issued postage stamps with Memin’s picture, as we might of Elvis. To Mexicans it was innocent nostalgia. Yet in America outrage erupted. Jesse Jackson attacked the Mexican government and George Bush denounced the stamps as racism. People here were furious: Mexico couldn’t even issue postage stamps without approval from Washington. Why They Hate Us | Fred On Everything

Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 7, 2015 8:06 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Anybody remember "Darkie" toothpaste? I saw it in Asia in the mid-90s. The name, along with the artwork on the box, would have given Jesse Jackson apoplexy. Soon after that, I saw that its name was changed to "Darlie" with a different marketing picture.

Posted by: waltj [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 7, 2015 8:21 AM

We 'meddle'.

I see.

Well... when dealing with dysfunctional people (or in the case of what Fred is talking about - nations), one thing that is VERY common is they chose to cling to facts that glorify themselves and shift blame upon others.

In the last week, I am dealing with someone who is dead wrong, yet spins everything around and puts blame on everyone around him.

Same goes with nations who 'lost' or got 'meddled' with. This whining can eaisly become a racket to get 'free stuff' some soft heart, soft headed, self hating Americans.

Most of the time we have come to help. Their countries have flourished becasue we are ANTI-IMPERIALIST and give them their due.

Screw guilt.

I am sick of their hate.

Pull back the Government Aid. Pull back the Peace Corp. Pull back the volunteer spirit of the Americans going overseas to really help these people.

Either that or wait until the 'Hammer of Reality' Falls and it will happen just the same.

Then, there will be NO meddling.

Infact, I am looking forward to it.

"Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none."

~Thomas Jefferson

Posted by: John Condon [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 7, 2015 9:57 AM

... entangling alliances with none."

Mind your own business on an individual basis and at a national level.

pretty simple, uh?

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 7, 2015 2:06 PM

But life doesn't let us wander around without interaction with other humans. Someone will have an accident that involves your car and their drunkenness. In Mexico, the person with the most expensive car is at fault. And I'm not kidding. Ask any illiterate campesino crossing the border and they'll tell you: the persons with money are the persons at fault in any given "situation," especially one where there is no clear cause for the catastrophe that lands in a poor person's lap. Yes, they make great Democrats.

Sure, let's enter into business partnerships with a shame-based society with a distorted sense of honor and justice. Mexico or Syria, it's not much different.

As for racism, the Mexico City elite are just as racist as DC elite, if not more so. Their contempt for the native Indian classes is not even hidden.

Posted by: Joan of Argghh! [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 7, 2015 3:57 PM

"Most of the time we have come to help."

You don't know that, you only know what they have told you, and you have no reason in the world to believe them.

In fact, you have thousands, at least, of reasons to NOT believe them.

Every time they have helped (carrot) someone there has been a stick in escrow waiting to beat the shit out of everyone with severe stipulations.

You have met the evil and you believe it's amateur lies.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 7, 2015 6:41 PM

I love Fred but he infuriates me when he puts his leftist specious not well-informed argument hat on...I wrote him this so I'm not writing behind his back...he doesn't care...he doesn't mess with email...too many, like me, love him and write him...so...

Fred, that was a great summary of the recast medieval theological argument - ‘The Unmoved Mover’ (all things move out or emanate from that Solid Core) or ‘Everything is America’s Fault’. Everything bad about Latin America is America’s fault and everything good springs from those rare and untouched fonts of Latin American Purity. Of course America and not the Catholic Church kept the enlightenment from entering Latin America. America made Latin America adhere to Latifundia land ownership (or rather non-ownership) laws for peasants. In fact, America encouraged Latin America to maintain a peasant class, despised and hated by the upper classes, also America made sure that the upper classes would use the “tu” form to peasants while demanding peasants use the “Ud.” form to the upper classes even though English was America’s language of choice; America of course encouraged Latin America to hold women in lesser esteem and permit wife beating even when America didn’t exist (America is the Great Unmoved Mover after all, spanning eternity); it was top priority for American presidents from Washington on down that Latin American poor shelter worse than rats in make-shift he11holes perched on dangerous embankments (see San Salvador and Guatemala City)…it’s a beautiful argument well-oiled across the centuries and now put to good use when applied to modern political realities…
No Latin America was not territory forgotten and ignored for centuries by a crumbling Spanish empire and left to its own historical devices - it has been uniquely shaped by evil America since the evil of America has existed since eternity (or something like that)…

I forgot to mention to Fred that America is also responsible for all Latin American racism...lack of hygene for the poor and clean running water that anyone can drink - IN THE RAINY SEASON without getting sick- and classism, the US army or something enforces and makes Latin American rich despise its poor and indigenous peoples and America trains the rich classes to talk to them in a special hateful kind of tonality - in Spanish - to reinforce their superiority and the inferiority of the poor.....Fred can think whatever he wants, he's a Vietnam vet to boot, plus he is a creative thinker and a good writer but dambit sometimes he just tears a page out of the Book of Cliches...and I git mad....

Posted by: Dex Quire [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 7, 2015 6:51 PM

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