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August 15, 2015

“They Thirst for Cocaine: Soda Fountain Fiends Multiplying”


In 1902, the Los Angeles Times published an article titled “They Thirst for Cocaine: Soda Fountain Fiends Multiplying,” which focused on the questionable ingredients in popular drinks like Coca-Cola.
However, Donovan says that judging from the small quantities of cocaine in actual recipes, it’s doubtful that there were many soda-addicted fiends. Coke was developed while looking for an antidote to the common morphine addictions that followed the Civil War: Veteran and pharmacist John Stith Pemberton concocted the original Coca-Cola mixture while experimenting with opiate-free painkillers to soothe his own war wounds. The company’s first advertisement ran on the patent-medicine page of the Atlanta Journal in 1886, and made it clear that Coca-Cola was viewed as a health drink, “containing the properties of the wonderful Coca plant and the famous Cola nuts.” Of course, these were also the properties of your basic uppers: Cocaine is a coca leaf extract, and the African kola nut is known for its high caffeine content. Once the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 required narcotics to be clearly labelled, the majority of Coca-Cola’s cocaine was removed, though it took until 1929 for the company to develop a method that could eliminate all traces of the drug. Medicinal Soft Drinks and Coca-Cola Fiends: The Toxic History of Soda Pop | Collectors Weekly

Posted by gerardvanderleun at August 15, 2015 5:39 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

My goal this year is to make it to 31 Dec without drinking any soft drinks. So far so good. Last year I drank 3.

The best way to stop drinking is to stop buying.

It helps when the closest store is at least 30 minutes away.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 15, 2015 7:02 PM

I believe anybody that wants to use cocaine (speed with a better alibi) or heroin or huff glue or drink until their livers fall out of their bodies should do so.

Addiction, mental and emotional dysfunction, physical harm to the brain and body, synapses and neural pathways destroyed, all social and spiritual activity reduced to get drug, consume drug, look for more drug in ever frequent cycles.

These people are losers and as such, should remove themselves from society.

Dying would be a nice gesture.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 15, 2015 9:53 PM

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