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April 17, 2015

The current Democratic party needs four more years of power the way an addict needs a fix.

That Hillary should be considered indispensable is proof of how desperate the need is.
‘Where was it.’ Raskolnikov thought, as he walked on, ‘where was it that I read of how a condemned man, just before he died, said, or thought, that if he had to live on some high crag, on a ledge so small that there was no more than room for his two feet, with all about him the abyss, the ocean, eternal night, eternal solitude, eternal storm, and there he must remain, on a hand’s-breadth of ground, all this life, a thousand years, through all eternity– it would be better to live so, than die within the hour? Only to live, to live! No matter how–only to live!’ – Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky
Avoiding the Unthinkable | Belmont Club

Posted by gerardvanderleun at April 17, 2015 11:02 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

We can figure it out; we know what the Lefties are doing and what they are gonna do. Knowing that, we could stop them more effectively.
Except there ain't no "we". There is no collective opposition to the Left Wing/Socialist movement.
Sure, there are a lot of folks upset, disappointed, indignant, outraged even, not at all pleased with the path our government is on - but no organized opposition.
Don't mention the Tea Party. What started out as a force, an entity, has come unraveled.
The people are OK but the concept has become a joke. Standup comedians with "you know you're a Tea Party member if ..."

Where are the leaders? The ones that talk sense and are willing to stand up, take the hits if necessary?
No focus, no next step, no marching orders, no "to arms, to arms". Nothing.
The heroes of the Revolution, they finally committed; they took a stand and turned talk into action.
You won't effect political change on the magnitude that is needed by standing around bitching and tweeting and blogging and showing each other how clever you are.
"Oh we will do it at the polls" sounds like nothing but hot air.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 18, 2015 7:18 AM

The TEA Party was hijacked by the religious right and gun lobby. It started out as essentially a one issue organization. Namely fiscal conservatism. The TEA Party arose in opposition to the Porkulus and Obamacare - both fiscal nightmares that are continuing to plague the nation. When TEA Party candidates took up social issues that belong on the state level, they lost their focus and became fodder for late night comedians. The TEA Party could regain its relevance if it went back to its roots. Fiscal sanity is still needed, if the country is to ever regain it position as nation of opportunity.

Posted by: Jimmy J. [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 18, 2015 10:44 AM

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