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June 25, 2014

“Wonks” who spin messages,

destroy data and actually believe that paper printed at the Federal reserve is valuable
can also believe that a ‘speech is a substitute for strategy’. They may regard themselves as modern men, yet their modernity is only a trapping. They are like the teenager who remarked, as someone wrote, on observing the Statue of Liberty, that the green lady statue was clutching an iPad in her left hand. Today we don’t even care what Lady Liberty stands for, or what what law is inscribed in the tabula ansata; that is a hundred year old trivia question nobody knows the answer to any more. The really significant question is: does Lady Liberty’s iPad have a Retina display and where can I get one at a government subsidy?
Belmont Club サ Sword and Sorcery

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 25, 2014 1:21 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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