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March 23, 2014

"Side by side: Rick Owens $450 Tee vs. Hanes $5 Tee" [Bumped]


Most of the befuddlement of those who critique the high price point comes from thinking both shirts are materially, physically the same,
and that the price difference stems from some transcendental, immaterial property only a few can recognize. Perhaps these people are right in that only a few can recognize the differences but this is because only a few have seen the stuff in person. Where these people are misguided is in thinking the differences are imaginary. I want to offer proof by making a side by side comparison. - - Reddit : malefashionadvice

Posted by gerardvanderleun at March 23, 2014 2:31 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

What a moron. Talking yourself into spending that much for a freaking T-shirt is just plain idiotic. If you have that much money, and you don't know what to do with, send it to me. I will put it to good use.

I buy Jerzees 50/50 Cotton/Poly Pocket Ts from PoloShirtsAndMore.com. They are very nice and they don't shrink like the 100% cottons.

It is better than looking like a shar pei.

Posted by: Fat Man at March 21, 2014 3:36 PM

It's truly bizarre reading this guy's comparison of the 2 shirts, as if anybody in their right mind is gonna pay $450 for one ugly-ass black tee-shirt. Which looks shitty compared to the Hanes.

And to make it even more insane, you can bet that it's the "sustainable" "tree-huggers" crowd that'll be buying them.

I don't care if you've got $45 million in your pocket, paying $450 for a teeshirt is sick, sick vanity, and nothing else.

Posted by: Fredster at March 21, 2014 3:43 PM

There is a word for the sort of person that would pay $450 for a t-shirt. That word is "madman".

Fortunately, it is still legal in some jurisdictions to be a madman.

As a preppie, the clothes I buy tend to cost more than Wal-Mart clothing. They also look better, fit better, and last longer than Wal-Mart clothing. And the best part is that the style never changes, because it isn't a style. Prep is a way of life. I could go back in time to 1982, 1962, or 1942 wearing the same clothes I am wearing right now and no one in those times would lift an eyebrow. That's what you call dressing "Ivy League classic".

I don't care if some overcompensated moron spends $400 on a T-shirt. What I can't stand are men who dress like gigantic eight year old boys: the below-the-knee cargo shorts, Star Wars t-shirt, baseball cap, and giant white sneakers look. Add the neckbeard (de rigueur) and you have a look that puts you where the action is, from the Brony meeting to the D&D table.

Guys, if you look like this, STOP. Just stop. I don't care if you "don't care whut uther paypul thank". I don't care if you "dress fer kumfert". You are a blight and a pestilence and you are hurting your fellow man with your ugly and ridiculous appearance.

It's an easy fix, though: just stop dressing like a boy and start dressing like a man.

First: never wear short pants unless you are a) participating in an athletic event (e.g., a game of tennis, sailing, etc); or b) are puttering around dans la maison. And when you do wear short pants, wear properly fitted shorts (which are always above the knee) in either a military fabric like khaki twill or a tartan.

Second: wear a shirt and trousers (or kilt of you are genuinely Scottish). By "shirt" I mean a fitted garment with buttons on it. A t-shirt is an item of underwear, not a shirt meant for street wear. By "trousers" I mean pants -- a fitted garment made of wool, twill, or some other fabric. Denim jeans are permissible in a manual labor setting (e.g., ranching), but even the hardest-working manual laborer can find woolen slacks that are suitable for work wear.

Third: wear shoes. By "shoes" I mean leather shoes -- not tennis shoes, not sneakers, not flip-flops, SHOES. You can wear your sneakers on the basketball or tennis court. Grow up and put on some shoes.

Finally: shave and comb your hair. If you have a ponytail, cut it off. If you are older than 22 years, the time for having "interesting" hair is over. Get it cut short by a barber (not a stylist, a BARBER) and have a trim every two weeks or so. Use Brylcreem or similar product to keep it neat. And if you must wear a beard, keep it neatly trimmed and free of food particles, lice, etc.

All this done well and any male can look like a man. You don't have to look like a retard, fellows. DO IT.

Posted by: B Lewis at March 21, 2014 5:02 PM

Apparently, aside from the purposeful rumpledness and ill-fitting-ness of the RO, the main difference is that it can also be worn as a sack dress. Well worth the extra $445.00, in someone else's opinion, I guess.

All haute couteure is a joke on people with way too much money and time on their hands.

Posted by: leelu at March 21, 2014 6:06 PM

As an ex-Floridian I wear above the knee shorts and Guy Harvey T-Shirts and LLBean hiking boots year round, even in the snow. My hair has been down past my collar since about 6 months after I got out of the army and people have been standing in line waiting for me to design their multi-million dollar mansions for decades. Show up with all that tweed and twill and what not and you'll be shot on the spot as a proven shyster. Other than that, I agree. All the slackers need to grow up already.

Posted by: ghostsniper at March 21, 2014 6:41 PM

Glad you're making a lot of money, Ghostsniper. Nevertheless, long hair still looks stupid on a man. The last guy with long hair that looked good was Jesus.

Kudos on the Bean boots, though. Excellent choice.

Posted by: B Lewis at March 21, 2014 8:03 PM

I dress for the occasion. I have often lived in the hot countries of Southeast Asia, where khaki pants and an open, collared shirt were considered proper workplace clothing, so that's what I wore. My current office in a different part of the world has a more formal dress code than that, so it's shirt and tie every day, and a suit frequently. No big deal, well-fitted business attire is comfortable, looks great, and doesn't have to empty your bank account. But paying $450 for a t-shirt is just plain stupid.

Posted by: waltj at March 21, 2014 9:32 PM

"They also look better, fit better, and last longer than Wal-Mart clothing."

I actually ran the numbers and I can't afford to wear WalMart clothing. This is because the pieces I have been given have developed holes in as little as two washings (and I am not kidding about this.) So—a $20 pair of jeans that lasts a fortnight is more expensive than a $60 pair of jeans that lasts two years.

Incidentally, I will also support any non-Scottish man who wants to wear a Utilikilt (as does my husband—we live in a very warm region* and he hates shorts.) They also have versions that are visually in the same category as nice suits (for example, pinstriped), if you need to wear something to a formal occasion. Once you've gotten used to the idea, they are perfect for hot-weather business wear.

*Not too far from where our host grew up—think 90º+ in the summer plus a few 100º+ weeks thrown in for good measure.

Posted by: B. Durbin at March 21, 2014 9:39 PM

"I want to offer proof by making a side by side comparison."

Don't bother.

Posted by: f1guyus at March 21, 2014 9:44 PM

OK, you don't like long hair, we get it. There's a long history of people that do like it, probably longer than short hair. I've always been comfortable with it and felt just plain weird with military hair when I was forced to cut it. Creative people tend to break and create trends, not follow them.

It's not about making money, it's about doing what you enjoy, all of your life. The money is just a side benefit. Find a job you like and you'll never work a day in your life. It really is that simple.

Posted by: ghostsniper at March 22, 2014 6:24 AM

Working Hypothesis: Prevailing dress and appearance norms reflect a nation's soundness and cultural stability. PhD candidates may use freely as a dissertation topic.

Posted by: BillH at March 22, 2014 6:49 AM

Noticing this new "trend" I'm reminded why I push childrens stories on folks that INSIST on citing the latest hyphenated ANYTHING, APA Diagnostic and Statistical "Manual" of Mental "Disorders". Or "Latest Gub'mint Funded University Studies Data Shows..."
Let's see.

Henny Penny
The Emperor's New Clothes
The Fisherman's Wife
The Bremen Musicians
Little Black Sambo
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
&cet.,&cet., ad nauseam, ad infinitum.

Posted by: CaptDMO at March 22, 2014 6:57 AM

Oh yeah, T shirts.
See: Conspicuous consumption.

Posted by: CaptDMO at March 22, 2014 6:59 AM

I buy Gap & Banana Republic. Good quality, good price, & they carry tall women's sizes.

Same for my son (only in tall men's sizes, of course).

And hey, if you have $450 you want to waste on a t-shirt, knock yourself out.

Posted by: Fausta at March 22, 2014 7:16 AM

A better comparison photo would have the model with the Rick Owens shirt standing beside a stack of 90 Hanes t-shirts.

I want to meet the doofus who actually paid $450 for a black t-shirt, just to see if it's possible to laugh myself to death.

Posted by: Mike Anderson at March 22, 2014 10:06 AM

There is not 90 times (plus tax) difference to me or any person with the sense that God gave gravel to make me buy the higher priced shirt.*

*The label would have to be on the front and the Scandinavian supermodel already in the deal before I would go with the $450 shirt.

Posted by: Mikey NTH at March 22, 2014 3:06 PM

The Rick Owens model is probably listed on Ebay for $4.95 + s/h, by a member called vellygoodduds, shipping from southern California, with Paypal account ChinHaiQing@email.cn

Posted by: BillH at March 23, 2014 7:27 AM

This is why I like the Fair Tax. The idiot that buys the $450 shirt would pay about a c note in taxes.

I buy most of my clothes at thrift stores and wouldn't pay a dime.

Posted by: B Moe at March 23, 2014 1:20 PM

God bless Goodwill stores and I don't care how much the CEO makes. In sales, you need high-end clothes and Goodwill stores near high net-worth neighborhoods makes that possible for me at a fraction of the original price. Many times, with the original tag still on the garment.

Posted by: Joan of Argghh! at March 23, 2014 3:25 PM

Who is Rick Owens and why are his shirts so expensive?

Posted by: tripletap at March 23, 2014 3:55 PM

Gentlemen, gentlemen: Let us stop the bickering.
I know, let us have a game of riddles.

Fill in the blanks: A ---- and his ----- are soon parted.

Posted by: stuart at March 24, 2014 11:55 AM

What fashion on that level is selling is an idea, or a role or something like that. Not a shirt as such. The shirt is just the media used to convey the concept. Nobody expects a normal person to spend that on a t. Its a game for a few and you could argue that they are fools...but some are most fan boys in their way.

Posted by: pbird at March 24, 2014 5:10 PM