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November 14, 2013

These gluten people are like a plague.

Taking over the internet and food joints with their hog wash.

Gluten free menu, gluten free recipes, fuck that shit. Here we are, the year 2013, talkin about “I can’t eat gluten because it makes me groggy and makes my little head all fuzzy.” I got some news for ya…thats what food is supposed to fuckin do to you . When’s the last time you ate food with someone and they were like “shit…I could go for some burpees and a few tire flips after that meal”
Gluten free. | The Vulgar Chef

Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 14, 2013 9:54 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

All this fight back against the antigluten talk is a redirect. The point isn't really gluten. The point is weird hybrid manmade proteins in wheat that actually do you harm and also just plain too damn many carbohydrates in the diet. The fact is people don't do well on grains. Whatshisname can cuss and fonch about it, but its true.

Posted by: pbird at November 14, 2013 10:14 AM

There's a big difference between gluten-free as a diet and people who really are screwed up by gluten. If you're allergic to the crap, its a serious problem. If you are not eating gluten out of some fad or dietary nonsense, you're and idiot.

And the fact is, people do do well on grains. We're stronger, healthier, taller, and live longer than at any time in human history, for crying out loud.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 14, 2013 10:51 AM

pbird, re. The point isn't really gluten. No, and it's not about synthetic proteins and carbs either. It's about control. Control of everything you drink, eat, buy, sell, see, do, think, hear, smell, feel, and believe. Absolute control.

Posted by: BillH at November 14, 2013 1:49 PM

Way back when - a hundred years ago in the first world, yesterday in the third world - people were concerned with just getting enough calories in them on a daily basis. What was so wonderful about grains? They could be stored. Keep the vermin and the wet away and they could be stored, and brought out, and made into food when the weather was poor and there was nothing else about. Bread was the Staff of Life and that was no joke. It was for good reason that Christ shared the bread and the wine for that was what could be stored and brought forth for a meal at any time.

Posted by: Mikey NTH at November 14, 2013 5:28 PM

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