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October 2, 2013

The Great Silence


Just then the quake, with a sound as of a snarl, rose to its climax of rage, and the back wall of my building for three stories above me fell.
I saw the mass pass across my vision swift as a shadow. It struck some little wooden houses in the alley below. I saw them crash in like emptied eggs and the bricks pass through the roof as through tissue paper.

The vibrations ceased and I began to dress. Then I noted the great silence.
Throughout the long quaking, in this great house full of people I had not heard a cry, not a sound, not a sob, not a whisper. And now, when the roar of crumbling buildings was over and only a brick was falling here and there like the trickle of a spent rain, this silence continued, and it was an awful thing. But now in the alley someone began to groan. It was a woman’s groan, soft and low.... San Francisco reporter James Hopper April 18, 1906

Image The Wall Slid Down Again via Neatorama

Posted by gerardvanderleun at October 2, 2013 4:53 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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