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August 10, 2013

1# The world doesn’t need me to “save” it

Some of history’s greatest villains were convinced they were “making the world a better place.”
When I was on the Left, I was driven more by my own personal neuroses and demons than by real concern about “the human race.” I know my comrades were, too. Looking back, I see what a bunch of screwed up individuals we were, and can’t believe we thought we knew what was best for the planet. I hope the kids wasting their time at Media Matters or handing out leaflets for the Socialist Workers’ Party come to their senses sooner than I did. 8 Things I Wish I’d Known (or Remembered) When I Was a Leftist | NewsReal Blog

Posted by gerardvanderleun at August 10, 2013 7:22 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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