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January 17, 2013

Alas: "Republicans just don’t hate Democrats the way Democrats hate Republicans."

The Other McCain opines on "The Filthy Rotten Party of Corruption, Treason, Fraud, Sodomy and Abortion": Most Republicans are born and raised Republicans,

and are spiritually attuned to the sentiments of bourgeois respectability that are core values to the decent, honest people the GOP represents. By contrast, Democrats owe their power to the vilest dregs of humanity — corrupt union goons, Marxist academics, criminals, drug addicts, sexual perverts and race hustlers -- €” who have no respect for the values of decent, honest people.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 17, 2013 6:38 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

spiritually attuned to the sentiments of bourgeois respectability

Which is to say we were raised right. Also, I have worked at something most every day since I was big enough to carry a bucket of feed. I never had time to learn that my less-than-perfect life was the fault of somebody else.

I may not "hate" the same way the parasites do. I would say mainly I have more self-control, most of the time. However, I would advice the parasites that it is unwise to be deceived by my politeness, my apparent tolerance, my kind, smiling face, and my white hair. I can and will take a lot to keep the peace.

If you push me, and I start to look sad, it is not because I am afraid. It is because it is so hard to get blood out of a white shirt.

Posted by: browncoat at January 18, 2013 1:33 PM

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