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November 15, 2012

Insurgents maneuver their opponents into acting to alienate their own supporters.

We may not be able to stop them from letting taxes rise on those horrible, horrible wealthy folks, but there’s no reason we should help them.

Let the Democrats buy the tax hikes. Let the affluent gentry that supported him see how they like them. This is key. Insurgents maneuver their opponents into acting to alienate their own supporters. The GOP House can stop some of the left’s more disastrous programs, but it can’t stop them all – and it shouldn’t let itself be drawn into losing fights trying to do so. Sometimes guerillas have to let the populace feel the pain. Look at how Obamacare is already in the process of making 29 hour work weeks the new normal, and not one GOP member voted for it. Voters wanted Obama, so let them have him good and hard. --The Conservative Insurgency - Kurt Schlichter

Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 15, 2012 9:44 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I like that "plan." One caution: the GOP has to find an effective way to convey the message that they "told us so" and didn't go along. What that will be worth for them I don't know, but as much of the onus as possible has to fall on the Democrats.

Posted by: Don Rodrigo at November 15, 2012 11:21 AM

I think I said last week that the least worst alternative the House Republicans have is to pass a bill that embodies their budget, let the Senate deep six it or Hussein veto it, and go over the falls. It will be an immense pain in the blue states because of the AMT increases, and the 47% will shrink.

The Republicans need to understand that no matter what happens, Hussein and his fluffers in the media will blame them. They should be honorable and not vote for any Hussein approved tax increases, because even if they did, they would still be blamed for the ensuing recession.

Posted by: Fat Man at November 15, 2012 12:53 PM

The GOP has less tactical guile than a Golden Retriever puppy. The puppy will eventually learn how to sneak up on something it wants. The GOP is so inept I'm thinking their persistent failure may be intentional. Count on the GOP, led by John Boehner, because nothing says tactical wisdom like leaving Boehner as Speaker, to avoid using any advantage or even stumbling into the right position.

What have they done in the past that causes you to HOPE they will be wise this time? Isn't ignoring reality a serious flaw of blame Obama voters? Replace the leaders that fail, don't ignore failure, and only reward success. Otherwise, there is no reason for leaders to do the right thing.

Posted by: Scott M at November 15, 2012 1:56 PM

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