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April 2, 2012

"With the Trayvon Martin shooting the fakery has reached dizzying heights. Is anyone but me noticing the irony of whitening Trayvon Martin in his hoodie photograph?
We’ll pass over quickly the blatant flim-flam of publishing five-year-old photographs that make him look like a chubby-cheeked kid rather than the sullen, angry teenage gangbanger (Twitter handle “NO_LIMIT_NIGGA”) in the more current ones. But the first time I saw the photoshopped version of the “hoodie” photograph, my instant thought was “My Goddess – they’ve Michael-Jacksonized him!” -- ERIC RAYMOND, Trayvon Martin and the grievance factory

Posted by gerardvanderleun at April 2, 2012 11:19 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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"Whitewashing Trayvon - A Marxist Media Coloring Book" is available at Amazon for an untraceable $3 donation to Obama's WTF re-election campaign. It comes with one large white crayon and one sheet of black construction paper - all you'll need to illustrate how you see the racist in every white person and the noble innocent in the black one. For an additional $10 investment, you will receive red, yellow, and brown crayons plus three sheets of white construction paper to color your support for the racial grievances of others against the White Devil. Order now and be entered in a drawing for one of many fabulous prizes, including DVDs of Al Sharpton Goes Tawana, Spike Lee Orders a Hit, JJ's Rainbow Extortion & Bastard Factory, Jeremiah Wright's Greatest GD AmeriKKKa Chicken Recipes, and How To Be Called Reverend for Fun and Profit. Call now and your order will be doubled - all the racism you'll need for the rest of the year, maybe forever.

Posted by: twolaneflash at April 3, 2012 12:08 PM

It's reported that the last words George said to Trayvon were: "Lighten up, dude!", so there you go.

Posted by: twolaneflash at April 3, 2012 12:13 PM

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