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April 25, 2012

"I am certain that neither I nor the majority in Europe are right-wing racist extremists, nor are we insane or evil.


This alliance between the Euro left and Islam is bizarre:
How can people who are so in favor of promoting the rights of gays and of women and of free speech leap into bed with people who are so against it? It reminds me of another unholy alliance, the one between Hitler’s Nazis and Stalin’s communists at World War II’s onset. --Anders Breivik: Too Sane for Comfort

Posted by gerardvanderleun at April 25, 2012 3:00 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

David Horowitz understands the union. It is hatred of the rest of us that unites The Left and Al Qaeda.

Posted by: Scott M at April 25, 2012 1:42 PM

The answer is simple: both want power over others, and both are willing to use this odd ally for their ends. And each believes that he and not the other will get out on top.

But one is willing to cut off heads in the street...

Posted by: Mikey NTH at April 25, 2012 6:53 PM

Anders is showing the jihadis how to do it. You can commit the most heinous acts of terrorism, admit it all, and they'll give you twenty years in jail. All the jihadis have to do, is line up some volunteers and do as Anders did, about every six months. Make it seem like sudden jihadi syndrome. The Norges will completely capitulate in about ten years, and they'll all be out of prison.

Is there a Viking left in Norway?

Posted by: John A. Fleming at April 25, 2012 11:54 PM

Was just scratching my head about this... I still believe the special interest American leftists are actually too stupid to realize this won't end well for them. Well.. it won't end well for the gay men. The feminists actually benefit in an Islamofascist society where the playing field is leveled by mandated burqas and female genital mutiliation and arranged marriages.

Posted by: RedCarolina at April 27, 2012 3:11 AM

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