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March 27, 2012

"The egomania of liberalism functions in a very, very narrow band of experience."

This makes liberals highly vulnerable to intellectual deflation, which is something they greatly fear.
Liberals constantly depict conservatives and religious believers as ignorant, uncultured, and bigoted. But surrounding the suburban media-fed bubble of the liberals is a world of experience they cannot grasp, or, if they do, they only adulterate it. Quote any serious work of literature or history to them and all their egotistic self assurance escapes them in a rush of deflated self importance. -- Skilled female hiker falls to her death

Posted by gerardvanderleun at March 27, 2012 10:58 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Interesting conversation over there, and of course I do agree with the comment you quoted.

As to the original story, I know a guy who was close friends with the woman who died - in fact, I think he was at her Canyon wedding last summer. I've often gotten the impression that for that particular group it's less about pushing the envelope, and more to do with the fact that they simply, deeply love the Canyon. He (the guy I know) is in his 60s, and hikes it as often as he can, several times a year, and just talking about it makes his face light up. People will risk everything for love; it is a recklessness that is not often distinguishable from madness, but thank God for it nonetheless. Life would be awfully dull without it.

Posted by: Julie at March 28, 2012 8:35 AM

Reminds me of the case of the lesbian activist who was also an avid swimmer. She loved to swim with the seals in San Fran Bay, thus making her an inevitable target as The Slowest Seal in the Ocean for the Great White that ate her.

Boy, I'll bet Jaws was disappointed.

Posted by: Don Rodrigo at March 28, 2012 11:53 AM

AS a former devotee of rock climbing, I can only say, unless you've been involved in the quest to push yourself beyond your comfort zone, it is hard to understand. Yes, there is both an adrenaline and serotonin rush that comes with completing difficult and dangerous routes. There is also the satisfaction of being able to maintain control of your body and mind when most people would be undone. You never feel more alive than when you have faced down the prospect of dying.

Call it crazy, call it narcissistic, call it stupid and pointless - there has always been a segment of the population that will do this and they will be as addicted to it as any crack user. Physically too old and feeble to do much now, I still get a rush of endorphins from touching granite, searching for possible holds, moving smoothly (well, not so smoothly now) upward on vertical rock, even for just a few feet.

Posted by: Jimmy J. at March 29, 2012 8:14 AM

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