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February 7, 2012

Yup, not a teaspoon of testosterone from toenail to topknot

The "O" Face
Splat! Geek-in-chief Obama tests marshmallow gun "The Secret Service is going to be mad at me about this,"
Obama said, before energetically pumping a compressor and shooting the marshmallow gun, invented by 14-year-old Joey Hudy. Obama watched open-mouthed as the candy shot across the room before crashing into the wall near the entrance to the Red Room, an elegant state parlor which stuffed with rare 19th century French furniture.

The man who "got" Bin Laden. Yeah, right.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 7, 2012 4:42 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

That POS toy got into a science fair, and made it all the way to the White House? (I don't mean Obama- oh, yeah I do)
Kids have been building spud cannons out of sched. 40 PVC pipe for years. I watched some folks in West Virginia firing spuds over a half mile with one. Only they charged it with a blast from a hair spray can (butane) and lit it off with a BBQ igniter in the breech plug. And that was damn near 20 years ago.


Posted by: jwm at February 7, 2012 5:29 PM

JHC, it's like Dukakis and that tank. Don't get me wrong, I'm quite happy to operate all projectile shooters, and I'd probably have the same stupid happy expression, but I'm not the Prezz.

And more JHC, I first swore that kid looked like Carney. It was a very much "what the h..." moment. Carney and the Clown.

And finally, Esquire used to run a comical picture of Nixon with the same spitting image stupid idiotic expression, and the tag line "Why is this man laughing?" Think those NY'ers will update it?

Posted by: John A. Fleming at February 7, 2012 6:08 PM

Exactly. Us red-neck hillbillies in MI's U.P. have been sitting on the porch, drinking beer and experimenting with spud gun design for years.
Goddam marshmallows? Sheesh.

Posted by: JimBobElrod at February 8, 2012 8:19 AM

Carney and Clown...I like that. If they're both clowns does that make them a clown posse? A clown posse armed with spud guns. Cheez, I can see a Clint Eastwood spagetti western in there somewhere.

Posted by: IndyJones at February 8, 2012 11:19 AM

I didn't realize that was Carney in the image. That explains the whole scene. Could be the new obozo designed Star Wars anti-missile prototype gizmo.

Posted by: Terry at February 8, 2012 11:45 AM

Hey, I just figured out why he's got that stupid 4-yr old face. A case of arrested childhood development.

HIs commie mommy never let him play with guns. He had a most unusual non-American childhood. He probably never had two cap guns with holsters, or a Johnny Seven shooting plastic bullets, or a wrist-rocket, or a super-soaker, or Daisy BB gun. Never got to build and launch rockets. Never went plinking with a .22. When he was in Indo, and he got the opportunity to play with other American boys (not often), he probably came home to mom and asked for cool stuff like the other kids had, and his mom sniffed, "No, they're not our people."

Guns are only for the Security Committee people. If the Party wants you to have guns, it'll give you one.

He looks like that, because at 50-something years, he finally gets to have a little manly fun. All his life, mom, grandma, wife, have been telling him no, he can't go have fun with guns. Tragic, really.

Posted by: John A. Fleming at February 9, 2012 12:22 AM

Hey, I just figured out why he's got that stupid 4-yr old face. A case of arrested childhood development.

HIs commie mommy never let him play with guns. He had a most unusual non-American childhood. He probably never had two cap guns with holsters, or a Johnny Seven shooting plastic bullets, or a wrist-rocket, or a super-soaker, or Daisy BB gun. Never got to build and launch rockets. Never went plinking with a .22. When he was in Indo, and he got the opportunity to play with other American boys (not often), he probably came home to mom and asked for cool stuff like the other kids had, and his mom sniffed, "No, they're not our people."

Guns are only for the Security Committee people. If the Party wants you to have guns, it'll give you one.

He looks like that, because at 50-something years, he finally gets to have a little manly fun. All his life, mom, grandma, wife, have been telling him no, he can't go have fun with guns. Tragic, really.

Posted by: John A. Fleming at February 9, 2012 12:23 AM

Actually Russian "В" is more like english V and it used in maakroV or Vodka word. And "Л" is more like W in English "What". "г" stands for g as used in english word "God". and yes "god" in Russian language means year. I don't know actual meaning of the writings is it a serial number, factory code or maybe something else.herrmannek

Posted by: Serhat at July 13, 2012 10:26 AM

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