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February 3, 2012

Kinder, Gentler Embroidery


Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 3, 2012 8:32 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Hi, Joyce: Rememadber me? I had a stuaddio at the Redadwood City Art Center.…with Mary Stahl.…got divorced in 2004.…took a W/C workadshop with you that year at Asiloadmar (we panetid two still-life pictures.…with a mason jar.…and another container).…I have them hangading in my bedroom.…and love them!!All my art backadround has moradphed into doing art quilts!! But I DO miss painting.…and by chance, came upon the artiadcle about you in the 2004 Winadter issue of “Wateradcolor” magadaadzine. Do you ever do 4–5 day workadshops on w/c anyadmore? I now live in downadtown Martinez.…and “might” be interadested in such a class. Howadever, I haven’t panetid in 6 yrs.…and I’d be “rusty”…to say the least!!! I do have all the necadesadsary supplies.…tho don’t know if my w/c tubes would still be useadful at this point!!?Would love to hear from you.…and find out if any of this could posadsiadbly hapadpen!! Looks like you are doing great with your paintading career! Kudos to you.….and hope to hear from you.….Sincerely, Nancy Bourns (I used to be Nancy Halpern).….have gone back to my maiden name!!! 925–335-2451

Posted by: Aisuluu at July 13, 2012 3:31 PM

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