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February 9, 2012

Death Thirst Still Not Slaked: In a paradigm shift, winning means losing!

If the goal is not beating Obama, despite the fact that the polls show he can be beaten, then I would say that the Republicans are simply victims of themselves....
If winning is to be abandoned as strategy, and the Republicans lose, what is to be done in the next five years with a lame duck Obama who can do as he wishes? Whine and complain? Get even more sick and tired of ever-more-entrenched Obamacare? Start an armed revolution? Position another loser to head the 2016 ticket? I think a lot of Republicans will get tired of this new, losing paradigm. I know I will. --Classical Values

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 9, 2012 11:32 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Who is the best Not Obama?

Anything else is Fantasy Political League and isn't worth spending the breath to refute.

Posted by: Mikey NTH at February 9, 2012 12:21 PM

This post has something to do with convincing people to vote for Mitt Romney, doesn't it?

Posted by: Mike James at February 9, 2012 3:14 PM

I wouldn't know.

Posted by: vanderleun at February 9, 2012 3:21 PM

The republicans have to reilaze how thin the ice is if they allow themselves to be painted as obstructionists in the next two years, demonstrating their obsession with defeating Obama, they will galvanize the middle of the road conservative liberals (Reagan Democrats) who despise Palin and virtually guarentee a second term for Obama and loss of the house again as they will be seen as the anti-middleclass bunch yearning for the good old days which are never coming back but serve as a benchmark for the foolhardy.1-Get a national health care plan that works.2-Seal the fucking borders. Get our house in order.3-Drop automatic entitlements for non citizens, bill their fucking country of origin.4-Get a realistic focus on education, particularily in the science and math arenas, it is now global the competition for jobs.5-Drop the facade of civility, we are in a trade war with Chaina and they can manipulate courrency a lot better than we can. I agree with Trump tariff 25%-50% all non American made products never allow anyones QAQC standards to be below our national standards, so if it cannot fulfill American ASTM standards, it cannot be imported (or manufactured here). All American firms that import parts for assembly here are subject to same tariffs as foriegn firms. They must disclose all foriegn labor in all facets of their operation to qualify as an American firm, thus saving their tax status. Quit exporting jobs.6-Develop American industries, tax credit and TIF for all firms building and developing local manufacturing capacitiy. Coupled with a national health care package, this will offset roadblocks to expansion get the fucking money out of the banking industry and into business development folks, the government can only develop taxpayer burdened govt jobs let private industry do the job, just make sure the over sight is in place trust but verify.7-Unfortunately the time is now for a national identidy card the new world situation requires it we are the land of the free, but need to veerify you are on the right team.8-Do not allow privatization of SS system, Wall Street has proven they cannot be trusted with this safety net sadly the government boobs can do better. We can and should take care of our own just not Mexico or any one else..they must take care of their own.9-Make college more affordable, if we mean to invest in our future, then put our money where our mouth is trade off education for service teach in a rural area for 5-6 years 10-Use common sense on government building programs, we have an entire infrastructure in this country to rebuild including roadways, bridges, dams, and alternative energy grids the worst thing about winning WW2 was not getting our industry and infrastructure bomed, we lag big time the last major public works was in the 30 s..we are due. So far all the two parties can think of is giving money to people who do not create meaningful employment or to prop up financial institutions with no negligible return save a new fleet of Chevrolets for the government. If we want to have oversight, we need the government to hire the same type guys who would be competing against those who are awarded contracts it takes a pro to catch a pro, or judge ones performance against standards that need to be established Way too much rhetoric and bullshit and precious few gains for the bulk of the nation, they blind us with BS and throw up partisan tinged smoke screens trying to save their cronys rather than to try save their country. No body gets out alive. It is time we DEMAND it, not HOPE for it, other wise there will be no CHANGE.They do not respect us on either side. Progress is so easy to measure yet we refuse to demand it just keep feeding us idealogy so we can argue amonst ourselves much to their delight and ultimate comfort.

Posted by: Kazim at July 13, 2012 2:25 AM

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