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January 22, 2012

"The roar is passion. The roar is intensity. The roar is pent up frustration."

It will demand that those who want our votes must not cower
in the face of the liberal template. If fact, it is a roar that demands that we do not accept any liberal templates. That's why Newt has gotten all the roars, and why he has vaulted into serious contention only days after being written off. Anyone else who wants the roar should heed the lesson. The roar comes only at the expense of liberals and liberalism. You won't get the roar attacking others on the stage. Tell your consultants to take a hike if they tell you otherwise. -- American Thinker

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 22, 2012 10:42 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

"The worst are full of passionate intensity."

The conservative base is full of passion and full of intensity. But, that is a bad way to try to win an election. To win, you need the middle. The middle is ready to get rid of Hussein, but they are by nature scared. An angry candidate full of passionate intensity will scare them into voting for the devil they know. They need nice kitty and gentle strokes on the head. They like uplift and they like optimism. But anger scares them.

Newt is angry and so am I, but my head controls my heart, and says we need a different candidate. We cannot indulge our emotions at this moment. We must remember that this will be an uphill struggle against not only Hussein and his insane clown posse, but also against the media, the unions, the educational establishment, and a lot of other left wing institutions.

Posted by: Fat Man at January 22, 2012 12:12 PM

"We must remember that this will be an uphill struggle against not only Hussein and his insane clown posse, but also against the media, the unions, the educational establishment, and a lot of other left wing institutions."

Please, PLEASE don't forget the literally thousands of civil service - protected hires installed across the entire Federal bureaucracy. That's really what the last election was all about.

Not socializing health care. Not nationalizing manufacturing, education, and embracing even closer the corrupt, failed finance hydra... nope, the primary goal all along has been to inculcate open hatred and willful sabotage of the Republic throughout the Establishment.

Like MSNBC, they have decided that pretense of honor nor lip service to any oath is no longer required, nor even advantageous.

Barry O. Most successful president in history, if you rate success as getting what you want out of the experience.

I sometimes wonder if he'll leave office with a note explaining his motivations stabbed to the desk in the oval office.

A nation that will not defend itself deserves what it gets.

Posted by: TmjUtah at January 22, 2012 1:28 PM

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