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May 20, 2011

The Braindead Generation: No Jobs. No Hope. No Change in Sight. Still Stuck on Stupid?

Had Enough Therapy?: Will the Lost Generation Strike Back?

Yesterday I was posting about the horrifically high levels of joblessness and underemployment among recent college graduates. Today, a new poll revealed that 83% of this group voted for Obama in 2008. Social justice, anyone? If there was ever a testimony to the effectiveness of academic brainwashing, this is it.

Posted by Vanderleun at May 20, 2011 8:14 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Since they never studied history, they nave no reference. I have a nephew, unemployed, who comes up with the wildest ideas of how and why the world and government works. Or should.

He cannot justify his positions, everything is based on a logic filtered through emotions.

This kid started out fine. Public education finished him.

Posted by: Peccable at May 21, 2011 5:31 AM

I was think, Peccable.. they really don't see the need to work. They don't see a need for the free-market (or anything else relating to earned liberty) I think they knew exactly what Obama stood for - least amount of work ethic, highest amount of pay and benefits, and time off to develop their "art of choice". Being cool and trendy trumps self-reliance and morals (I'll spare you the details on what constitutes cool and trendy because it's really quite pathetic and superficial - group think is a dangerous and powerful human tendency, like a drug, otherwise the Left wouldn't always maximize on it). They will vote for him again.

Posted by: RedCarolina at May 21, 2011 8:11 AM

correction: I was "thinking", that is.

It is really discouraging to see so many lost souls.. but I recall being a real tree-hugging loon in college and I was a raised in a conservative, religious home and community. I was lured by the trendiness of liberalism even though I really couldn't identify what was happening to me. It came to me through pop culture and, to an extent, higher education (I might have been more easily indoctrinated if partying hadn't been such a high priority to me in college - haha).

So I wouldn't write them off completely - they just need to pay taxes for a while, try to start their own business, try to build an adult life for themselves and they will suddenly begin asking questions.

If they don't, it will be because they are employed by the government, unions, Leftist lobbyists or on welfare.

Posted by: RedCarolina at May 21, 2011 8:22 AM

RedCarolina, you pretty well covered all bases.

Posted by: Cilla Mitchell at May 21, 2011 12:42 PM

I just don't see a significant portion of the Obama voters being able to overcome their deficient thinking.

If facts and logic had any value to them they would not have voted for Obama in the first place. The Lamestream (LSM) media is working 24/7 to supply excuses and conspiracies sufficient for the self-deluding O voters so as to avoid having to conclude they were wrong and foolish.

The last thing most people are willing to do is admit they were wrong. The LSM are busy giving these people to blame the usual suspects for Obama's failure. The black people I know and hear all conclude Obama could have given us all unicorns that crap gold coins except white conservatives wouldn't let Obama create unicorns that crap gold coins.

These people haven't become dependent and gullible because they are persuaded by facts and logic like the people we know. You might as well speak Old English to Obama voters for all the communication taking place.

Have you ever tried to argue a woman out of an emotion? The facts are irrelevant and every word you utter is instantly and deliberately mistranslated to mean only what she wants to hear and disagree with. You say "make it easier for employers to hire employees" the commie-lib voters hear "deposit tons of cash into accounts of the rich."

You have to ask seemingly innocuous questions so the Obama voters discovers they believe in a fairy tale they know is impossible. Or you can just punch them, it's more satisfying.

Posted by: Scott M at May 23, 2011 3:54 AM

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