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December 14, 2010

Liberals: Roadkill on the Highway of Life

Liberals can also choose to condemn human hunters as bloodthirsty killers
-- a point of view in which I do not join. But their logic is strange, because human hunters ordinarily are no more bloodthirsty than animals who kill (the ones the liberal conveniently forget). They just have made the decision to hunt in order to supplement their meat-eating that way -- unless they are natives who only hunt or mostly hunt, in which case they get a pass. Liking the activity of hunting doesn't mean one is bloodthirsty, although it means that one doesn't shy away from the truth that should be acknowledged by all meat-eaters but can only be denied by those who never hunt -- which is that everyone who eats meat is eating an animal that was killed for that purpose (unless you're into eating roadkill; but that's topic I'll leave alone right now). -- neo-neocon -- Hunting and the heaven of animals

Posted by Vanderleun at December 14, 2010 2:23 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Actually, our consumption of non-meat foods (especially grains) results in far more animal deaths than our meat eating. Think of all those pictures of millions of migrating buffalo, where now are millions of acres of wheat and corn fields. What could be plainer? Without the effective extermination of the buffalo all those teeming millions of people in our cities would die of starvation. The simple fact is that if we want to eat we have to kill... one way or another. So if animal rights advocates and radical environmentalists really believed their own rhetoric they would have to logically conclude that they would have to commit suicide.

Posted by: Barry from Victoria at December 16, 2010 11:24 AM

I don't eat meat. If I did I'd prefer wild game. Sure cheaper than the supermarket and free of chemicals. I'm sure this is all a plot by Texas beef and pork producers.

Posted by: Gary Ogletree at December 19, 2010 3:59 PM

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