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July 21, 2010

Unreported Achievements

"Every day 160,000 Android-powered devices are activated -- that’s nearly two devices every second."

Yep, that'd be 30K MORE phones a day than Apple. And my guess is that Android's pace is accelerating, while the iPhone 4 is probably sliding downward, given how many folks bought it at launch (Mashable reports that 1.7 million were sold in first three days, so 1.3 million the next 20 days). In fact, if you do THAT math, and divide 1.3 million by 20 days, you get 65,000 iPhone 4s sold each day, which is nearly 100,000 less, PER DAY, than Android phones. -- On Math, iPhones, Android, and the 100K Phone Gap - John Battelle's Searchblog

Posted by Vanderleun at July 21, 2010 9:30 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Android is smart enough to market itself as a platform, like Bill Gates did with DOS back in the 1980s. But the iPhone is, well, a phone, not a platform. So the same thing will happen with iPhones that happened with Macintoshes - they will become a niche phone for snobby people, far outsold by the Android.

I have both a 3d-gen iPod Touch (an iPhone without the phone part) and an Android Incredible. By far the Incredible is more versatile in its non-phone apps.

Steve Jobs. Gun. Foot. Again.

Posted by: Donald Sensing at July 21, 2010 11:18 AM

My family has plenty of both kinds of addicts - addicts of cool with the latest i-whatevers, and workaholic overachievers with, well, something else.

The college professor in the group has had, of course, the newest iphones starting with V.1. She uses them for her kids to watch movies, and as phones. The boys use their big box brands to make steel, do surveying, research car parts hacks and troubleshoot their networks. One brand new Android is already monitoring a batch of home-brew for optimal flavor and kick.

It seems obvious that Jobs and his gang are the journolist of computer babbles. They think they're the coolest, and the glossy children of the elite swarm around crooning praises for i-aps that integrate the GPS location of rare organic ingredients with a receipe converter and wine pairing lists; but the people you'd want around you in a crisis all have a droid. Or an old Motorola.

Or a mega-watt satellite phone the size of a breadbox and a T.I. engineering calculator.

Posted by: raincityjazz at July 21, 2010 6:58 PM

What the article failed to mention is that the iPhone is only found on one network. Android phones are found on every network. Based on network footprint, the iPhone still outsells Android.

Sensing will have to give some examples of "more versatile". Android can't even do Exchange support well, or right.

Posted by: Ferd at July 26, 2010 8:00 AM

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