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July 10, 2009

Seattle Needs a Eulogy
The rot takes hold early where the lessons of the fathers should be: The left lane is for passing. Protect your women. Keep not too many things, but of the things you do keep, keep them clean and well-maintained. When you make things, make them well and careful. Be respectful and courteous, even if it goes unnoticed - but never if it goes unappreciated. This America is yours - work for it.
Where those lessons are bereft, smaller lessons move in and have the all the heft of dry rot on a swatch of lace, having been eaten through by the weevils: The road is yours to do with as you please. To protect your women is to presume superiority, so leave them take care of themselves. Keep many flimsy and shoddy things, and waste no energy in keeping them kept. Make things if you must, but do it quickly and leave your heart out of it. There is no one more important than you - insist that all others appreciate that. This America is someone else's, and that person is long dead - work against it. -- Andy @ The Dipso Chronicles

Posted by Vanderleun at July 10, 2009 12:12 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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