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July 18, 2009

Kindle is evil:
If Amazon can remote delete books on your Kindle, and you have no method on the device for backing that data up, since the e-book files purchased from Amazon cannot be transferred to a PC or any other storage device without violating the Digital Milennium Copyright Act and other laws due to the completely closed nature of the Kindle platform, what else is Amazon capable of doing on your Kindle?
It would seem that if it can remote execute instructions and download and delete content on a Kindle, it stands to reason it can inventory ALL content on a Kindle device, such as PDF files, text documents and anything else a Kindle can read. It can also stand to reason that if it can inventory your entire digital library of material stored on that device, that it may even be able to search for key words and phrases and download those to a data warehouse of Amazon’s choosing.
What if someone wrote a work of non-fiction, such as a biographical-tell all of a well-known person or entity, and then sometime down the road after initial publication, the publisher has to redact, retract or change the wording of a book because of litigation or for any other reason? In print, they can issue a second or third printing. The paper books from the initial printings will always be in the hands of the people who bought them, or in libraries. But in electronic form, and in Kindle’s model where the data cannot be externally archived, a publisher can insist on a legal contract with Amazon where they can transparently change editions on you, and you wouldn’t even know it. This could not only happen with books, but with newspapers or magazines on e-subscription.-- JEFF BEZOS IS WATCHING YOU

Posted by Vanderleun at July 18, 2009 11:52 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

And this is happening on Obama's watch. Coincidence? I wonder, but we can know for sure that this new style of "editing" will make the New York Times very happy.

Posted by: askmom at July 18, 2009 12:15 PM

I'm not, in any shape or form, a fan of Obama or his administration. That said, the latest Kindle BS isn't something that can be laid at their feet. This is the way Amazon has been treating new media from day one. I had the misfortune of using their video on-demand service...total crap and even though I paid for movies & TV shows, I cannot watch them at all anymore since I'm no longer a subscriber. Also, Amazon had a habit of deleting content for seemingly arbitrary reasons and eventually I just got fed up with it all. I love Amazon for real books & movies, their cloud computing platform and stuff like that. Alas, their forays into new methods of content distribution.......fail. Read the fine print before you buy something. Amazon does, at least, tell you up-front how few rights you have when you buy via Kindle.

Posted by: zonker at July 20, 2009 1:07 AM

Is it good if a vacuum really sucks?

Posted by: Forex at December 19, 2009 7:49 AM

How much money should I have saved for a cross country road trip?

Posted by: icq номера бесплатно at December 19, 2009 11:01 PM

a rhetorical question isnts a question with no answer, its a question you ask which you either dont want or dont expect an answer to. How old are you before you are said to have died of old age?

Posted by: Hairstyle at August 27, 2010 3:06 PM

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