January 15, 2008

Science Made Stupid Tuesday

"The PCR Song" by "Scientists for a Better PCR"

  • Selective Restraints And Reduced Medication Could Reduce Nursing Home Falls Says 4-year Study Yes, strapping them to the bed and cutting off dope can do that.
  • Heavy metal slips down UK air quality charts Can Rap be next? Please?

  • Fossils reveal dinosaurs had teen sex And a high incidence of unwed mothers as well.
  • Northeast US Winters Warming Faster Than Other Seasons? "Earlier blooms. Less snow to shovel. Unseasonable warm spells." And the downside is?
  • Today's "No-shit Sherlock?" award goes to... the envelope please... Overweight People May Not Know When They've Had Enough Runner-up: Fish Oil May Be Helpful To Some And Harmful To Others
  • Perhaps it is something in the water: "The high proportion of infection involving the buttocks, genitals, and perineum suggests that community-associated MRSA may be transmitted in the setting of sexual contact among men who have sex with men .... It is not clear whether the behavior potentiating these infections among men who have sex with men is anal sex . Emergence of Multidrug-Resistant, Community-Associated, Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Clone USA300 in Men Who Have Sex with Men
  • Department of "Every rose has its thorn:" Columbus May Have Brought Syphilis To Europe From New World Personally or was it a franchise deal?
  • Step 1: Japanese whaling ship detains activists Step 2: Japanese whaling ship harpoons activists.
  • Still not over mean things said about Galileo: Scientists protest against Pope Next steps -- stamping feet, holding breath.
  • More stealth racism in America: Study: weight-loss tips differ in African-American, mainstream magazines No separate but equal diets allowed!
  • Space Porn: Hot Cyclones Churn At Both Ends Of Saturn
  • Today's specials: Scientist Reveals 2007 California Wildfire Impacts on Wildlife Rare, medium, and well-done.


  • "This is the chemical compsition for Metol, which is a developing agent in black and white photo developer."--Chloe Science Tattoos - a photoset on Flickr

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    Posted by Vanderleun at January 15, 2008 10:47 AM | TrackBack
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