July 19, 2003

The Yellowcake Papers

Secret Cabal of Bored Headline Writers
Plots to Drive Americans Insane

Yes, only a deep national fascination with Kobe Bryant's Wandering Johnson can save us now.

Headlines gleaned from a brief search of Google News:

The Yellowcake Blame Game - Counterpunch

Let Them Eat Yellowcake - American Daily

Yellowcake-gate -- Ariana Huffington

Silliness and yellowcake - Washington Times

What Is Yellowcake, Anyway? - Slate

No Yellowcake Walk - National Review

The Yellowcake Debate - New Orleans Times-Picayune

Did Bush Add Icing to the Yellowcake? - Le Sabot Post-Moderne

Goodbye Yellowcake Toads - Velociworld

Yellowcake or Fruitcake - Balloon Juice

Have your Yellowcake and eat it too - Backporch Beer

Yellowcake Rising - Village Voice

Yellowcake Remix - Wall Street Journal

War, lies and yellowcake - This Modern World

US Administration Served Iraqi Yellowcake - Greenpeace International.

Posted by Vanderleun at July 19, 2003 6:16 PM
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