September 18, 2011

Sunday Supplement


The most important and fascinating article of the week. The American Scholar: Dubya and Me - Walt Harrington

As [Bush] talked, I even thought about an old Saturday Night Live skit in which an amiable, bumbling President Ronald Reagan, played by Phil Hartman, goes behind closed doors to suddenly become a masterful operator in total charge at the White House. The transformation in Bush was that stunning to me.

Who was wrong about Galileo? Rick Perry Versus the True Believers

Science does not advance by simple progression from ignorance to perfect knowledge, nor is it proven by consensus.... Fallows may think that he’s the one who really knows the first thing about Galileo, he may not know the second and the third thing....


According to the London Daily Mail, H.L. Mencken even ventured beyond the typewriter and into the world of typography. Because he felt Americans did not recognize irony when they read it, he proposed creation of a special typeface to be called ironics, with the text slanting the opposite direction from italic type, to indicate that the writer was trying to be funny. -- Shady Characters サ Irony & Sarcasm marks, part 2 of 3

Via Media calls "Time In" and "Time Out:"Time for the Confederate States of Europe? | Via Meadia and US-Backed Jumbos: Time To Pull The Plug | Via Meadia

Here's a concept: Quit Coddling the Rich. Quit Coddling the Poor. Quit Coddling Everybody.

Spoilsports! FBI Knows Identity of Scarlett Johansson'€™s Nude Pictures Hacker

Tax the rich? Okay, but:

Insert into the bill a provision that strips the tax-exempt status from that corporation he and Bill Gates founded that shelters half their assets from taxation forever. And make the law retroactive to January 1, 2011. -- Pass the €œBuffett Rule « Don Surber

Professor Jacobson declares, I am against repeal of D.A.D.D.D. -

And in local news: Area Tackle Shop Owner Planning On Keeping Fishes’ Security Deposit After They Move Out Of The River With No Notice | The Rumford Meteor

And Finally. Kandinsky Reloaded:

Seasons In Kandinsky from Oscar Betancur on Vimeo.

Posted by Vanderleun at September 18, 2011 8:18 AM
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