January 4, 2014

It's Time to Run the Progressives Into the River

Because.... it's time.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at January 4, 2014 9:24 PM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Once again, Bill Whittle proves he is the most guileless man in America, and the most politically naive.

I'm not saying he isn't inspiring to some, or that he isn't intelligent; he comes across like so many uber-intelligent people who are far too late to recognize what the shop-keeper has known since he applied for a zoning exception to the city's architectural preservation board: the powerful keep power and are unmoved by fair play or honor or even mockery.

I might be with Bill on the "saddle up, draw the sword" part, however. Power only listens to something more powerful.

Ropes. Lamp posts. Some assembly required.

Posted by: Joan of Argghh! at January 5, 2014 3:38 AM

I wish I shared his optimism, the left isn't on the run they are re-loading. They have their power, they have their control and they have their legions of followers willing to do their work.

Posted by: Potsie at January 5, 2014 6:47 AM

In one sense, Bill's right: the Left is more open to ridicule now than they've ever been. We can ridicule the hell out of them---while we are all still free to do so. (And I have no doubt they plan to correct that.)

Unfortunately, the Left holds all the reins of power---the White House, the Senate, the educational system, the media---and, much to the surprise of many, they are not going to relinquish them peacefully. In fact, they are working to consolidate their control by 2016. I think we can expect to see even more outrageous criminality over the next two years.

Because they are in denial, many Americans are not aware that the America in which they so long prospered has disappeared. The U.S. has reached the demographic tipping point, where the generations of voters brainwashed by hatred of America now outnumber the generations of voters raised with strong belief in America.

As 2016 approaches, we'll see the gloves come off, and the Left will discard all pretense of governing a republic. The Left is, and has always been, about raw power; and now that they've seized it they are never letting go.

It's going take take much more than ridicule to prevail against them.

Posted by: ahem at January 5, 2014 8:38 AM

I like Bill Whittle, met him briefly years ago (I'm sure he doesn't remember me), and enjoy his videos.

Having said that, my question is, how does he propose "running them into the river"?

Posted by: Fausta at January 5, 2014 10:16 AM

Though it's late in the day, Whittle is making a rallying cry at least. As is our esteemed host.

The power of Marxism-lite is nothing to what the full totalitarian clout will achieve if the free spirits of Western Civilization just lay back and allow the unholy alliance of Marxist infiltration and overt and covert Islamic ambition to roll over us. The existential threat is real. Resist by all means necessary.

Over there you have the midterms; over here in the UK we have European Parliament fiasco. Let us urge our compatriots to oust the Commies from their cabals on both sides of the Pond. And I wish 'conservatives' would refrain from using the euphemism 'progressive'. It's the language of the enemy - within and without!

Posted by: Frank P at January 5, 2014 10:26 AM

Though it's late in the day, Whittle is making a rallying cry at least. As is our esteemed host.
The power of Marxism-lite is nothing to what the full totalitarian clout will achieve if the free spirits of Western Civilization just lay back and allow the unholy alliance of Marxist infiltration and overt and covert Islamic ambition to roll over us. The existential threat is real. Resist by all means necessary.
Over there you have the midterms; over here in the UK we have European Parliament fiasco. Let us urge our compatriots to oust the Commies from their cabals on both sides of the Pond. And I wish 'conservatives' would refrain from using the euphemism 'progressive'. It's the language of the enemy - within and without!

Posted by: Frank P at January 5, 2014 10:26 AM


"...how does he propose "running them into the river"?

The conservative Right is Christian. That acts as a dampening affect all our ability for actions 'outside the pale' (Read; Violence, Civil Disorder, etc...) That is why the Teaparty was peaceful. That is why the Gunrallies have been peaceful.

...and THAT is why the leftist protests all through the years have NOT been peaceful.

I am certain Bills view is rhetorical and nothing more than that. Run them into the river? Well... through speeches and meetings and peaceable protests. I believe he is counting on enough people waking up to the leftist threat in this country after the latest policy falls apart and things start shifting back to the right.

The question is... WHEN in recent history has any country shifted Rightward - away from the welfare state - and without violence or utter bankruptcy?

As long as the leftists have a near monopoly on the nodes of mass communication (education/media), expect more of these awoken people to never get their message across - just like the Teaparty and Gun-Rights activists.

Whats scary is the brinkmanship of the left - its like they WANT an uprising (ie violence), and folks, that's what gives me pause. With the mass firings of the upper military eschelons, the massive spying against us citizens, etc ... I really fear for us... the targeted demographics.

So, for me, I'm going to 'hang onto to that plow' until I no longer have a plow (which may happen), because I simply do not know what to do as that 'spark' that is needed, may not only be 'outside the pale' of what we believe, but exactly what the Leftists want.

They've done this same play for decades, time and time and time again (Imperial Russia, China, Cambodia, Cuba, Spain, etc...). When the tipping point comes, don't expect the same gentleness, compassion, christian goodness or consideration that we gave them decades ago as they are not Christian.

Posted by: Cond0011 at January 5, 2014 10:57 AM

On a brighter note, I must say that we are an exceptional people (as Bill Whittle has said eloquently). Perhaps we can still turn the tide the the economy dumps (with very little suffering for everyone).

Time will tell.

Posted by: cond0011 at January 5, 2014 11:30 AM

Is running them into the river the same as running them into the grave?

Posted by: SirWalter at January 5, 2014 1:30 PM

The painting, I believe, depicts the charge of the British Heavy Cavalry (Royal Scots Greys} at Waterloo.

God, consider the Brits then and the Brits now.

Posted by: Lorne at January 5, 2014 3:52 PM

Don't worry, in 2016 the republicans will once again pick a great candidate such as McCain or Romney and insist that everyone has to support the republican version of big government, big spending and less freedom.

Posted by: Potsie at January 5, 2014 4:05 PM

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.”
“I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not run.”
― Alexis de Tocqueville

Say what you want about de Tocqueville, but he was dead on about t hose two quotes and that is why, though I try to do my little part (vote, inform others, decry leftist cant whenever I can). I think winning in 2014 is an uphill battle at best.

The left has the MSM providing air cover and the sophisticated data mining of the electorate, coupled with their large get out the vote machine. I was in Ohio in 2012 and saw how it worked and work it did. The possible difference with 2014 is that 2012's presidential election hinged on the popular vote of a state to swing its electoral college votes the same way. The democRATS needed only to get a minority, no matter how small, to do that. So such an operation could be effective.

2014 will be different in that it is for individual representative and senate seats. Expect the RATS to win in the large urban areas that traditionally trend RAT and where voter fraud is easy. Especially since many in those areas are down with the raiding of the public purse anyway. Other areas (rural, suburban) will see RAT losses. Expect though to see some rich areas trend RAT (Silicon Valley, Seattle, NYC much of SF). However,the senate seats will be interesting indeed. And remember, the republicans already hold the House, they need to gain control of the Senate.
I predict that 2014 and 16 will be the dirtiest elections ever, and if you thought the MSM went over the top in 2012, you ain't seen nothing yet.
I like Mr. Whittle. I hope he is correct. I will do my little part. I fear though that we may be too late, but "that ain't necessarily so."

Posted by: Tim P at January 5, 2014 6:12 PM

"running them into the river"

And salt the ground where they now stand while we're at it...

Posted by: newton at January 5, 2014 6:20 PM

(Royal Scots Greys} at Waterloo.

Correct, and that was not a successful military action. As Napoleon commented, "The noblest cavalry in Europe ...and the worst lead".

Me, I'll be with the smelly grunts in the line fixing bayonet.

Posted by: John at January 6, 2014 2:29 PM

@joanofarghh, great stuff. The problem with the right is that they think explaining things to people will change the situation. The conservatives keep failing because they want to be nice, logical, non racist, etc. The left keeps winning because they don't care, they just want to win. Whittle is a nice guy, smart to but it won't help. He needs to make videoes explaining how to get the best AR or AK and ammo, how to fight with a sword, etc. Time for him to do something useful. Alex

Posted by: Alex at January 6, 2014 4:59 PM

@joanofarghh, great stuff. The problem with the right is that they think explaining things to people will change the situation. The conservatives keep failing because they want to be nice, logical, non racist, etc. The left keeps winning because they don't care, they just want to win. Whittle is a nice guy, smart to but it won't help. He needs to make videoes explaining how to get the best AR or AK and ammo, how to fight with a sword, etc. Time for him to do something useful. Alex

Posted by: Alex at January 6, 2014 4:59 PM

Frank P, you are right to not use the nomenclature the left usurps. No, they are not "progressive" or "liberal". Homosexuals are not "gay" and do not "marry". Palestinians are not "displaced", climate is not "changing", gender does not transform. Watch the word, as "In the beginning there was the Word and the Word was with God ..." and it should not be corrupted by opportunists.

Posted by: tripletap at January 7, 2014 6:43 AM