December 7, 2012

In the 53rd minute of the final hour Jesus Christ appeared
 on the cover of Time magazine along with Donald Duck
 and J. Edgar Hoover but meanwhile...


Meanwhile... One other possibility is a deep strike against the far enemies of the Assad regime: Qatr, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Paris, London or New York, using a terrorist delivery system.

Things like a hijacked airplane, a crop duster, the poisoning of an air conditioning system, or even a barge with gas dispensers. Such an attack would in the first place be perpetrated deniably. In the second place it would likely cause a political uproar in the target country and force into the open the operations against Syria that have been hidden under the rug. Anyone who thinks it is impossible should recall that a much less capable organization, al-Qaeda, killed thousands of people in downtown New York and altered the course of American politics. This of all the options, is the one with the most bang for buck. -- Belmont Club サ Wunderwaffe

Meanwhile... neo-neocon: "We have never recovered from World War I And I fear we never shall."

Meanwhile.... Scientists Have Created the AusFestival, A Coconut-Flavored Pineapple

Meanwhile.... The State of the Empire is Strong | finem respice Scriptores Historiae Augustae provides a wealth of entertaining reading in the tradition, as it were, of a single bound archive comprising the complete and compiled works of Us Magazine, People Magazine, and In Touch Weekly.

Meanwhile.... 10 Facts About Brooklyn Natives They drink for free, eat for free, and renovate their homes with supplies stolen from a building site. In a multicultural metropolis revolving around money, this strange sect has maintained a century-old monoculture that exists under the radar and thrives on the barter system. It seems archaic when you first encounter it, but a quick glance at where America is headed makes it clear the Brooklyn way is our future. So instead of putting them on some nostalgic pedestal, go meet them. You could learn a lot from dese fuggin’ idiots.

Meanwhile.... Who says there'sno good news? Smith & Wesson Posts 48% Increase In Second Quarter Sales As Demand Surges For All Firearm Products | CNS News

Meanwhile.... The Weekend Interview with Harvey Mansfield of Harvard defines the new two party system: 'We have now an American political party and a European one. Not all Americans who vote for the European party want to become Europeans. But it doesn't matter because that's what they're voting for. They're voting for dependency, for lack of ambition, and for insolvency."

Meanwhile.... The success of IQ undermines the process which produced it

Meanwhile.... Hand-Knitted Dress, from the collection In No Time

Posted by gerardvanderleun at December 7, 2012 10:49 AM
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Now if they'd only invent a swiss cheese-flavored pig...

Posted by: ahem at December 8, 2012 10:25 AM

"The success of IQ undermines the process which produced it"

I wonder if Larry Niven's cycles for the Motie worlds are a bit off. I wonder if we have cycled this way before.

Posted by: Fred Z at December 8, 2012 8:12 PM
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