April 22, 2009

The Bullshit Also Rises

The election's over but MSNBC's online polling stations are still open!

Rises? It never stops flowing in no matter how high the No-BS sandbags are piled. I'm starting to think that even the sandbags are stuffed. Other sectors of our manufacturing economy may be slammed and shuttered, but the United States Bullshit factories are fuming furiously; running three shifts with the blast furnaces heated up to 11.

This request just in via my email:

Dear friends, Our president needs our help. His 100 day mark is approaching fast.

MSNBC has a poll up about the President's job so far for the first 100 days. Republicans are flooding it with "F" votes.

Please vote if you are so inclined, and please pass this address on to your enlightened friends!

Thank you!

Over at this oh-so-important poll from the least important of cable networks the mission-critical Obama grading looks like this:

I love all that is implied but not stated in this finely gilded horse apple. I wonder if some MSNBC intern crafted it and shot it out. It is a classic of its kind:
1) Things are at a "crisis point!" over at MSNBC with their wall-to-wall whoring for Obama in jeopardy.
2) Equally critical is the fact that it is the evil "Republicans" who are flooding this poll with "F" votes. It couldn't possibly be any other types from throughout the World Wide Web. God forbid a centrist Democrat might actually be involved.
3) Then there's the polite request to "vote if you are so inclined" after we have told you the evil death dwarf Republican zombies are threatening to reverse the election and storm the White House with torches and pitchforks. And finally...
4) The heartfelt plea to pass it on... but only to the others that are like us... the "enlightened" ones. We don't want the evil ones to get a whiff that we are out to flood the poll with "A" votes. If you don't tell them, they'll be too stupid to figure it out.

A sane person would glance at that pathetic poll and think "Big ducking feel!," but evidently the intellectually and politically insane among us just can't stand so much as a smidgen of a smudge of a shadow of a doubt that things are not straight A's across the board for the O-man. This habit of mind has gone from boring to tedious and looks ready to transition into "more numbing than having a two foot section of rebar pounded down your spine."

My response to my old friend who sent me this chunk-o-spam was:

With Gallup giving Obama an approval rating of 64, I'm unclear on just how much more help he needs. Seems to me it's working out just fine for him in this political environment.

I'm unclear on just what stuffing an online ballot box of an online poll is going to do one way or another. It's not as if Olbermann is going to announce Obama as world's worst person based on some online result.

But, if that were so, what would be the suggested "grade"? Does it make one a bad person to give a B, a C, a D -- or is it still a world that is either A or F?

Is total belief in the leader now a requirement, or can you still like some things and dislike others?

I wanted to say these folks should take a hint from the powerful Obama online org and "MoveOn," but what's the use. As the photographer Larry Clark said about the meth junkies he photographed in "Tulsa," "once the needle goes in, it never comes out."

Posted by Vanderleun at April 22, 2009 4:56 PM
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Can't do it, when I gp to the page, each time, I get this; Your response cannot be recorded. For assistance please contact MSNBC technical support.

Has MSNBC finally developed the NeoCon detector?

Posted by: John at April 23, 2009 5:18 AM

Of course, MoveOn was ostensibly formed in order to lobby Congress over the Clinton impeachment proceedings--"Don't impeach him. Censure him and move on." So you would have thought that after the House impeached him anyway, and certainly after the Senate acquitted him, they would have taken their own advice.


Posted by: Rich Fader at April 23, 2009 6:57 AM

I do agree that this poll is complete BS, but I felt compelled to put in my 2 bits worth (that's 100 million in Obama bits). MSLSD has recorded my F. It would have been D, but this week's spiteful exposure of national security matters to our enemies could not be overlooked and will never be forgiven.

Posted by: Milwaukee Mike at April 23, 2009 10:40 AM

Loved this post! I voted a while ago, I think Instapundit had a link, and didn't know they were still doing that. Don't they have anything else to do, or do they believe in outcome based polling, where you keep at it until you are on the honor roll? Good Grief!

Posted by: Becky at April 23, 2009 11:10 AM

It is in their genetic makeup to evaluate ideas by quantity rather than by quality. Don't ever call these folks over when your house catches fire. They come from a land in which a thousand strangers carrying buckets of gasoline, is a far better thing than a dozen carrying water. Once you've used those magic words "Together We Can Do This," nothing further needs to be explored about the plan. Life is just a Conga line to them.

And on that note, I see at this later hour The Holy One is closing it up: A 35%, F 40%.

Together we can do this!

Posted by: Morgan K Freeberg at April 23, 2009 2:02 PM

Keep drinking the cool aid. Obama is going to turn us into a third world country by the time he is done. Then will you wake up and see that he has no clue? "Move on" is pulling his strings, after all they paid for his presidency. They wont stop until they achieve globalization. Do your homework. Read George Soros' book on his vision of globalization and then stop with the cool aid....look for the money trail and start thinking for yourself!

Posted by: Julie at April 23, 2009 2:57 PM

I'm unable to vote in the link you gave, but it shows the current results:

He gets an A
He gets a B
He gets a C
He gets a D
He gets an F

The only question I have is what kind of hopelessly clueless moron would give him a "C"?

Posted by: rickl at April 23, 2009 9:19 PM

The koolaid drinkers will no doubt fulfill their dreams and vote multiple time to somehow give the current Clown in Charge a passing grade, no justification needed. He has accomplished nothing in the first 100 days. He is probably still trying to find out where all the doors in the White House go and which are windows. The grovel and whine tour will continue, and his new best friend hugo will show him how to ruin a country.

Posted by: Magic at April 24, 2009 12:54 PM

The koolaid drinkers will no doubt fulfill their dreams and vote multiple time to somehow give the current Clown in Charge a passing grade, no justification needed. He has accomplished nothing in the first 100 days. He is probably still trying to find out where all the doors in the White House go and which are windows. The grovel and whine tour will continue, and his new best friend Hugo will show him how to ruin a country.

Posted by: Magic at April 24, 2009 12:54 PM