December 1, 2007

The Flensing of Chris Matthews

To flense is to "strip blubber off a whale." Flensing is something the blogsphere does well, but seldom as well as Don Surber does to MSNBSeeYa's Matthews in Defining away victory

For thousands of years, you take over a country, you're the winner. Matthews wants to change that, saying, "As long as we're stuck over there, it seems we're losing.

Let's see. We still have troops in Kuwait, so we must have lost the Gulf War.

But we pulled our troops out of Mogadishu so we beat Somalia.
No American troops in Vietnam. Yeah, we won.

But we still have troops in Korea. Darn it, we lost the Korean War.

Troops still in Japan? We lost World War II.

Troops still in Germany? We lost World War I.

And that's just a few strips of blubber taken off Matthews. See the rest for a textbook example of stripping a whale down to the bonehead. All that's left is to boil Matthews down into some sort of useful oil.

[HT: Morgan Freeberg at the blog that nobody reads which many people do.

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Posted by Vanderleun at December 1, 2007 11:25 AM | TrackBack

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