March 25, 2005

Rachel's Going to Starve Her Dog

RACHEL LUCAS RANTS WHAT THE REST OF US THINK in I can't wait to starve my dog to death!

So here's my idea to (1) save time and money, (2) to fulfill Sunny's "wishes", and (3) to enforce her "rights": when she gets to the point where the arthritis in her hips and legs is so severe that she can't even stand up and/or walk over to the food and water bowls....WE JUST LET HER LAY THERE AND DIE!!

It's fucking brilliant, I tell you.

After all. We won't actually be "killing" her. We'll just be letting her die naturally, exactly as she would if she were in the wild. Do you think that if she lived in the woods like wolves and raccoons and squirrels do, that anyone would bring her food and water when she became crippled? Fuck no! So why should we? This is nature, folks. It is Sunny's right to die a natural, peaceful death, unsullied by human or medical intervention.

It will probably only take 7 to 14 days for her heart to give up and stop beating. Her lips and eyes might get kind of dry, but I can slather Vaseline all over her face so she's not too uncomfortable towards the end. You know, while she STARVES TO GODDAMN DEATH LIKE WE COULDN'T EVEN LEGALLY INFLICT UPON SOMEONE LIKE ADOLF FUCKING HITLER.

And what if any of my friends or relatives object to my plan to starve Sunny to death when she can no longer walk? What if they offer to adopt Sunny, to take her to their house, to hand-feed and hand-water her, to take her to the vet and get her good medicine, to get her any kind of therapy she would need to make her life better, and to pay for it all themselves?


That's right. If Sunny can't feed herself, then she gets to die, and that is the end of the fucking story. Just like Terri Schiavo. She "wouldn't want" to live like a vegetable, I am telling you. No, she didn't write it down or anything - but I swear she feels that way...well, at least she did one time a while back when it came up in conversation. You'll just have to take my word for it.

But long before I actually let her starve to death, I think I might pull a Michael Schiavo and find a new dog and bring it to live with me. Sunny can go live in a dog hospice or something, and sometimes I'll be an evil asshole just like Michael Schiavo and not even let other people who love Sunny visit her. I might even threaten them with never, ever seeing her again! But only because I care so much about Sunny. Did I mention that I have a life insurance policy on her and will get some dough when she kicks it? That's not important though. What's important is states' rights and the right to die and all that happy horseshit that most people are so hypocritical about, it's not even funny anymore.

There's more, much more @ I can't wait to starve my dog to death! It's inspired.

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Posted by Vanderleun at March 25, 2005 08:58 AM | TrackBack
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