March 6, 2005

Naziosis Outbreak Continues

auschwitztat.jpg DBarrymore_02x1.jpg
Visual Aid for the History Impaired: (Left) Auschwitz Tattoo***, (Right) Hollywood Star's Tattoo

DEEP WITHIN THE DAILY KOS, the killer virus of Naziosis claims another victim who has lost the ability to distinguish between Auschwitz and Anaheim (Hint: Anaheim is the one with the Magic Kingdom, Auschwitz is the one with the crematorium tour.):

Daily Kos :: A Promise to My Grandfather: A Follow Up

I don't want to see that here or anywhere else. I do not want there to be cattle cars filled with people that these hate mongers scream out against. I do not want to see gays, liberals, Mexicans, hippies, Hollywood Actors, or anyone else have to be tattooed with a number. No more 58877241s.

This summer, my family and I will be traveling to Auschwitz, so my children understand what there grandfather went through. I want my daughter to know why I see him in her eyes. And then everytime I look in her eyes I will see hope and love and not 58877241.

So to the Phelps and Coulters of the world, you are on notice, we will fight your hate because we will not have this happen again.

Sigh. A waste is a terrible thing to mind, but what can one say? Like long-term addictions to smack and speed, this affliction is probably one of those 'Once the needle goes in, it never comes out' kind of deals. No real cure for the mania, but there is probably something that can be done to reduce the pain of the unremitting hallucinations. It might help if an intervention could remove him from an enviroment filled with fellow sufferers and enablers, but who has the stomach for it?

Shock therapy is the only hope. I'm thinking of raising a fund to have him star on Blind Date with Ann Coulter. That might bring him around. Then again it might send him over the edge. Either way his pain would be over.
For some extended realism about exactly what was happening in the death camps, see The Evolution of Tattooing in the Auschwitz Concentration Camp Complex

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Posted by Vanderleun at March 6, 2005 9:55 AM | TrackBack
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Anaheim? Duckau? Mausschwitz?

Posted by: anonymous coward at March 6, 2005 12:43 PM

Again, KOS misses an excellent opportunity to shut the hell up.

I was not aware that a pogrom was in effect against Hollywood actors. I guess this means that the goodie baskets at the Oscars must have been really disappointing this year.

Hippies? When the suggestion was made for them to take a shower once in a while, this was NOT a euphanism for the gas chamber.

Mexicans? Aren't they the group that President Chimpy McFlightsuit(Mission NOT Accomplished HA HA) is bending over backwards to please?

Gays? Is a definition of marriage as a union between one man and one woman the same as being forced to dig your own grave before you are machine gunned in the back?

KOS would say, YES!

I recently had an E-mail exchange with a multi-millionaire real estate mogul who bragged about pulling in over 1.24 million last year...then he told me that he was an anarchist to the left of Karl Marx.

How does this kind of mental disease (and that can be the only explanation) spread?

Jews are Nazi's, Terrorists are freedom fighters, con-men race-hustling professors are brave heroes.

Things are mighty strange in the wonderful land of KOS.

Posted by: Mumblix Grumph at March 6, 2005 12:51 PM

Comment of the Month Award to Mumblix Grumph!

Posted by: Gerard Van Der Leun at March 6, 2005 1:25 PM

I missed the beginning of this string and didn't follow who was whose grandfather, but I believe it could be true that fate brought these people back into each other's lives.

How and why did a man's ruminations about his grandfather's life devolve into the usual leftoid drivel about the victimization of the protected segments in our society. It's amusing that actors are now included in the victim category. Who's left in the oppressor column now? Is it only white heterosexual males who work and pay their taxes, so the fruit of their labor can be redistributed to the slackers, drunks, and dope addicts? Gosh. That sounds like a definition of slavery, doesn't it? Hm.

I think the left's grasp on reality has totally slipped and they've spun their arguments well past any teeny tiny nodule of reasoned thought. The generation coming up now won't tolerate it anymore and will demand our institutions reflect our melting pot American culture. I hope I love long enough to savor it. Those that won't find that palatable may exercise their right to go elsewhere.

The Italian "journalist/hostage" is a case in point. This woman was laboring on the pre-Eason Jordan rules of engagement. Under those terms, it was axiomatic that our military targets journalists, so that's the story she told. Poor dear didn't know the rules had changed while she was enjoying the hospitality of the "very religious people including a woman." Whatever she thought she was doing, it backfired big time and unfortunately a seemingly innocent security guard had to die.

Posted by: erp at March 6, 2005 1:42 PM

Best Eight Words Strung Together Award of the Month goes to Gerard! - "A waste is a terrible thing to mind..." One small question: Do you mean 'mind' in the sense of 'pay attention to with our intellects so as to cogitate the matter for our own erudition' or as in 'sheesh! What crap to have to contemplate even for a minute'?

hmmm... Was that a futile exercise in metacognition? I remember a teacher in grade school who would simply snarl "MIND!" to shut us up. What did she want us to mind? This is what lead me to cogitate this matter. :) Oh! You still get the award, Gerard.

Posted by: Amy at March 6, 2005 2:35 PM

Cher Amy,
I meant "Sheesh!" but there is so much "Sheesh" to deal with these days.

Posted by: Gerard Van Der Leun at March 6, 2005 2:57 PM

Mon ami Gerard... (say the 'G' of your name there very softly and drawn out for emphasis..) I've been thinking. I think my grade school teacher wanted us to 'mind' our peas 'n ques. Do you think the etymology of 'sheeesh' evolved from schiesh (sp?) which is German for poop. I didn't want to say 'shit' you know. Or is it just good old American idiom-utterance? I just know my teacher knew we little ones would have to put up with a ton of sheesh when we grew up. What a smart lady now I look back.

Sheeesh... I am too silly tonight....

Posted by: Amy at March 6, 2005 4:52 PM

I don't really know, but I suspect it evolves from "Jesus Christ!"

Posted by: Gerard Van Der Leun at March 6, 2005 5:01 PM

Well, after saying what I thought I looked it up and I was wrong. It is indeed a way to keep from saying "shit."

Posted by: Gerard Van Der Leun at March 6, 2005 5:04 PM

Gerard...where'd ya go to look it up? The How Not to Cuss Dickshunary? Here's one for you: Who first said - "Jesus H. Christ."? I think 'geeez' is for not saying Jesus Christ! in vain. Check your cuss book.

Posted by: Amy at March 6, 2005 6:17 PM

Jesus H. Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Using the name of "Jesus Christ" as an oath has been common for centuries, but the middle initial has unknown origins. Neither the Bible nor any other early historical reference to Jesus assigns him a middle initial. Christ, in any case, is not a last name, but rather a title meaning anointed, similar to Messiah.

It is often stated, jokingly, that the H stands for "Howard", as in "Our Father, who art in Heaven, HOWARD be thy name" (supposedly a child's mispronounciation of "Hallowed" in the Lord's Prayer). Although this is an amusing speculation, it is an unlikely source for the phrase.

Some claim that the H was seen in the "IHS" symbol and was interpreted as a middle initial. ("IHS" is a popular abbreviation of the name "Jesus" rendered in Greek letters.) This is speculation, and no definitive source gives evidence for this or any other etymology, though IHS is occasionally written IHC, representing the lunate sigma common in medieval Greek.

Another theory is that the H stands for Hell, which is often used as an oath by itself: Hell! or Oh, Hell! The juxtaposition of Hell with the name of Jesus Christ may have been intended as ironic humor.

Another possibility exists that H comes from "Himself" and is somewhat self-referential in that sometimes one hears an expression such as, "I'm the baddest dude since Jesus H. Christ Himself!", which could have easily have begun as "Jesus Christ Himself", been transposed and shortened to "Jesus H. Christ", and then the original "Himself" eventually added back in at the end.

Posted by: Gerard Van Der Leun at March 6, 2005 6:23 PM

I shall consult Wicked Pedia for my word kneads from here on out. I thank you.

Holden Caulfield used 'Jesus H. Christ' first. :)

But, dang, I loved all that esoteric stuff you got for me! It's probably all in The da Vinci Code, too.

Posted by: Amy at March 6, 2005 7:10 PM

'Wicked Pedia'. Would that be Latin for 'wounded foot'?

Posted by: Amy at March 6, 2005 7:12 PM
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