August 1, 2003

Volokh Conspiracy: Call for Art!

A great blog, "contentually" speaking,The Volokh Conspiracy has always been a bit, well, bland in terms of appearance. Now Eugene Volokh has issued a plea for help. Surely there are enough great graphic minds out in the blogsphere to give him a plethora of help. Dig deep. Volkoh does great work and, like all things, great ideas require great containers.

[Eugene Volokh, 3:37 PM]Wish list: Some people post wish lists on their blogs. Here's mine:
1. About 15 HTML color codes that I can use for each coblogger's name -- enough for the current bloggers and enough for any possible expansion -- each of them attractive, visible, not too garish, and distinguishable from all the others. (Naturally, I'd love to see this as a set of numbers, each in the proper color, so I can instantly see both the colors and the colors.)

2. A cool but not too busy header for the blog, to replace our current minimalist white-text-on-green. It might use a different font, or include some amusing graphic.

3. A nice small logo (small both in screen size and in bytes) that can become a recognizable symbol for our blog, and that people can use, if they'd like, alongside our name on blogrolls, lists, and such.

4. World peace.

Now here is the downside: Naturally, all these items involve work on your part that we won't pay you for (though naturally we'll be delighted to give you full credit), and that we may well decide not to use, simply because it doesn't resonate with us esthetically. If that makes you not want to submit anything, we perfectly well understand. On the other hand, if this gets your creative juices flowing, and you'd like to offer us your help on these ridiculously unfair terms, we'd much appreciate it.

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Posted by Vanderleun at August 1, 2003 10:46 PM | TrackBack
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