July 15, 2004

Whoops! A Slim-Fast Downsizing for Whoopi

Born to Bulk Up: Hard to see exactly what Slim-Fast was doing for her in the first place.


(CBS/AP) The Slim-Fast diet drink company has dumped Whoopi Goldberg from its advertising because its executives are unhappy with remarks the entertainer made last week at a Radio City, New York, fundraiser that mocked President Bush.

"We are disappointed by the manner in which Ms. Goldberg chose to express herself and sincerely regret that her recent remarks offended some of our consumers. Ads featuring Ms. Goldberg will no longer be on the air," said Terry Olson, general manager of the Florida-based diet giant.

BYRNE in the comments makes this point:
Goldberg's unapologetic response is as follows, "Just because I'm no longer in those (commercial) spots, it doesn't mean I will stop talking. While I can appreciate what the Slim-Fast people need to do in order to protect their business, I must also do what I need to do as an artist, as a writer and as an American - not to mention as a comic. I only wish that the Republican re-election committee would spend as much time working on the economy as they seem to be spending trying to harm my pocketbook."

What infuriates me most about this statement is that she has the cojones to talk about the economy when she has millions upon millions in the bank. I don't EVER see any celebrities--who are so quick to line up for an abortion-rights march--building homes for the homeless, giving money to poor families, or anything of the sort. Celebrities seem to think they have all the answers, because they are swimming in money that WE gave them. Most of them never went to college, let alone read books, let alone audit poli-sci classes, so who are they to tell me how to think?

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Posted by Vanderleun at July 15, 2004 12:16 PM | TrackBack
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"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood." -- Karl Popper N.B.: Comments are moderated and may not appear immediately. Comments that exceed the obscenity or stupidity limits will be either edited or expunged.

Goldberg's unapologetic response is as follows:

"Just because I'm no longer in those (commercial) spots, it doesn't mean I will stop talking. While I can appreciate what the Slim-Fast people need to do in order to protect their business, I must also do what I need to do as an artist, as a writer and as an American - not to mention as a comic. I only wish that the Republican re-election committee would spend as much time working on the economy as they seem to be spending trying to harm my pocketbook."

What infuriates me most about this statement is that she has the cojones to talk about the economy when she has millions upon millions in the bank. I don't EVER see any celebrities--who are so quick to line up for an abortion-rights march--building homes for the homeless, giving money to poor families, or anything of the sort. Celebrities seem to think they have all the answers, because they are swimming in money that WE gave them. Most of them never went to college, let alone read books, let alone audit poli-sci classes, so who are they to tell me how to think?

I'm a political moderate--and yet I find myself defending the Republican party as of late, because, for some reason, Whoopi & Co would have you believe that all Republicans are essentially evil. Evil? Hardly. Do I agree with their platform? Aside from their defense of the unborn, I don't agree with them at all. Do I think that makes them evil? Of course not.

Whoopi has admitted to having no less than five abortions, and yet NickJr. allows her to create a CHILDREN'S SHOW called "Littleburg." Who the hell does Whoopi think she is? Being fired from Slim-Fast isn't going to hurt her--she has the entire Democratic party and the whole of Hollywood behind her.

I don't remember such hatred between parties. Name-calling, disrespect, finger-pointing, whining, self-centeredness, lewdness, smug attitudes......this is what the Democratic party seems to be about nowadays. We're not going to solve any problems allowing people like Whoopi to be applauded for her uneducated, self-serving, hypocrital beliefs. Question authority? Indeed--that is something we all should. But we can question with respect, intelligence, compassion, kindness, and decency.

Posted by: Jacqueline Byrne at July 16, 2004 7:12 AM

It seems the Slim Fast Corporation doesn't give Americans in general much credit for intelligence. I for one have great respect for Whoopi's intelligence and finger on the pulse of politics. Seems most Americans appreciate the opinions of people like Whoopi who care enough to want to know what is going on. We certainly didn't think Whoopi needed to give up her legal rights to free speech to advocate using Slim-Fast products. Oh well, I say that is Slim-Fast's loss. I know I for one started paying closer attention to their commercials when I saw Whoopi doing the commercial.

Posted by: Lynn Young at July 16, 2004 10:13 AM

It seems the Slim Fast Corporation doesn't give Americans in general much credit for intelligence. I for one have great respect for Whoopi's intelligence and finger on the pulse of politics. Seems most Americans appreciate the opinions of people like Whoopi who care enough to want to know what is going on. We certainly didn't think Whoopi needed to give up her legal rights to free speech to advocate using Slim-Fast products. Oh well, I say that is Slim-Fast's loss. I know I for one started paying closer attention to their commercials when I saw Whoopi doing the commercial.

Posted by: Lynn Young at July 16, 2004 10:13 AM

Rights to free speech? That's fine. A right to be rude and not be able to support her ridiculous comments with actual fact? Nope. Whoopi's INTELLIGENCE? About what? Whoopi Goldberg--as for the rest of Hollywood--have the "right" to state their opinions. That doesn't make their opinions right.

She's just so desperate for attention, it makes me sad. And how anyone would even bother to listen to Whoopi and her "colleagues" is beyond me. I don't see them making anybody else's lives easier. They're supposed to be Democrats--Party of the People. I haven't seen any Hollywood Democrat actually be compassionate and pro-active in their society, except for mouthing off.

Posted by: Jacqueline Byrne at July 16, 2004 11:16 AM

Whoopi is one of many under talented blacks who rode white guilt to a fortune, exempt from any criticism.
Woopie, I will not pay for the rope to hang me. Do not make me chose sides, because you will be on the other side and I will not willingly loose.

Posted by: Walter E. Wallis at July 16, 2004 2:43 PM

Jacqueline Byrne,

Spoken like a true political moderate. By the way can you direct me to the rude, ridiculous comment you refer to.

Posted by: Charles Croninger at July 16, 2004 9:03 PM

I must also do what I need to do as an artist, as a writer and as an American - not to mention as a comic. I only wish that the Republican re-election committee would spend as much time working on the economy as they seem to be spending trying to harm my pocketbook." BTW-THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HARMED YOUR POCKETBOOK - NOT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY! WHAT AN EGO YOU HAVE, TO THINK THEY WOULD WASTE THEIR TIME ON YOU.

Posted by: Michelle at July 17, 2004 12:11 PM

Whoopi had to do what she had to do "as an American"? BY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF HER RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH - "as a comic" THAT'S DEBATABLE The Republican committee spent time harming her pocketbook? THAT'S RIGHT, BLAME SOMEONE ELSE FOR YOUR MONETARY DEMISE WHOOPI - THAT'S WHAT YOU LIBERALS ARE GOOD FOR!

Posted by: Michelle at July 17, 2004 12:20 PM

Hi Charles. The "rude and ridiculous" comments I was referring to was not her response (which I found to be in surprisingly 'goodish' taste, at least 'goodish' for Whoopi).....I was referring to the things she said at the Kerry fund-raiser that got her fired from Slim-Fast. Those remarks were not printed, but the inference is that it was pretty lewd and crude with not much intelligence behind it. Don't have THOSE quotes, but I would LOVE to see them.

Posted by: Jacqueline Byrne at July 17, 2004 7:57 PM

"Don't have THOSE quotes, but I would LOVE to see them."

So, everyone here is attacking Whoopi over what she said, and yet nobody knows what she said? How typical of Republicans to get into a "war" without any facts to support it. Whoopi used no WMDs, just a few innuendos. The worst words she used were "shit" and "bush." Not exactly X-rated, or even R-rated.

Where's Lenny Bruce when you need him?

Posted by: Patrick Spreng at August 1, 2004 3:56 PM

Patrick, I've seen Whoopi's stand-up. Even when she's not being politically self-aggrandizing, she is EXTREMELY "offensive". It's not the words themselves--Hell, I swear like a sailor, to be sure. I have shocked my friends with the obscenities that have popped out of my own mouth. But the point is, she was at a public arena, and openly made lewd remarks about the President.

Even if you don't like the President, there is no need to be lewd and nasty. There are witty, fun ways to disagree. There are intelligent ways to get your point across. Whoopi is just rude and pointless.

Why do the liberals keep talking about the squashing of "civil liberties" when they are free to be openly nasty to the President and not end up in jail? Bush-bashing is a Hollywood past-time, clearly a popular sport among all liberals, famous or not, but I don't see anybody landing themselves in jail for it.

Question authority? Indeed--we must always question authority. But we *MUST* do it in a way that doesn't dehumanize or disrespect. Remember, we are all "selves." Tempers flare, they do, and there are people I just can't understand, and find their ideas monstrous--Gloria Feldt, John Kerry, etc.--but I do think of them as human beings and I am looking for them to change their hearts, not to see them humiliated.

Posted by: Jacqueline Byrne at August 7, 2004 8:28 AM

Patrick, I've seen Whoopi's stand-up. Even when she's not being politically self-aggrandizing, she is EXTREMELY "offensive". It's not the words themselves--Hell, I swear like a sailor, to be sure. I have shocked my friends with the obscenities that have popped out of my own mouth. But the point is, she was at a public arena, and openly made lewd remarks about the President.

Even if you don't like the President, there is no need to be lewd and nasty. There are witty, fun ways to disagree. There are intelligent ways to get your point across. Whoopi is just rude and pointless.

Why do the liberals keep talking about the squashing of "civil liberties" when they are free to be openly nasty to the President and not end up in jail? Bush-bashing is a Hollywood past-time, clearly a popular sport among all liberals, famous or not, but I don't see anybody landing themselves in jail for it.

Question authority? Indeed--we must always question authority. But we *MUST* do it in a way that doesn't dehumanize or disrespect. Remember, we are all "selves." Tempers flare, they do, and there are people I just can't understand, and find their ideas monstrous--Gloria Feldt, John Kerry, etc.--but I do think of them as human beings and I am looking for them to change their hearts, not to see them humiliated.

Posted by: Jacqueline Byrne at August 7, 2004 8:28 AM

Patrick, I've seen Whoopi's stand-up. Even when she's not being politically self-aggrandizing, she is EXTREMELY "offensive". It's not the words themselves--Hell, I swear like a sailor, to be sure. I have shocked my friends with the obscenities that have popped out of my own mouth. But the point is, she was at a public arena, and openly made lewd remarks about the President.

Even if you don't like the President, there is no need to be lewd and nasty. There are witty, fun ways to disagree. There are intelligent ways to get your point across. Whoopi is just rude and pointless.

Why do the liberals keep talking about the squashing of "civil liberties" when they are free to be openly nasty to the President and not end up in jail? Bush-bashing is a Hollywood past-time, clearly a popular sport among all liberals, famous or not, but I don't see anybody landing themselves in jail for it.

Question authority? Indeed--we must always question authority. But we *MUST* do it in a way that doesn't dehumanize or disrespect. Remember, we are all "selves." Tempers flare, they do, and there are people I just can't understand, and find their ideas monstrous--Gloria Feldt, John Kerry, etc.--but I do think of them as human beings and I am looking for them to change their hearts, not to see them humiliated.

Posted by: Jacqueline Byrne at August 7, 2004 8:28 AM
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