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Update on Gerard’s book

The projected launch date for Gerard’s book of 46 essays – THE NAME IN THE STONE – is November 1. I’m about 95% sure everything will be in place by then. I’ll let you know the details of how to order the book as we get closer to that date, but I thought you might appreciate this heads-up.

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  • ghostsniper September 16, 2024, 10:20 AM

    Sign me up!

  • ghostsniper September 16, 2024, 10:24 AM

    Well, is he LHO part deux?

  • jwm September 16, 2024, 10:31 AM

    Hooray! I’ve been waiting for this.


  • ghostsniper September 16, 2024, 11:21 AM

    I’d like to see a hand come onto the screen from the right, grab this thing by the hair, and slam it’s head against the wall so hard that it, in part, explodes.

    Could you imagine standing there and trying to have an intelligent conversation with this thing?

    How in the world do people get this way?

    Or is he faking it?

    I have to ask, because HIS reality is so diff from mine.


  • John A. Fleming September 16, 2024, 11:25 AM

    Oh man, the would-be sniper was camped out for 12 hours in the woodline. In a place that nobody could see him, hidden from both the inside and outside. He was tipped off maybe, or at least he was intensively following Trump’s movements for some time now such that when T is at MaL, he goes golfing. So he had traversed the woodline and found his hide on a previous visit.

    But he was an idiot. He was using his riflescope to watch out for T. Which mean he had to stick the barrel through the foliage. Thank goodness that Trump assassins are idiot wind-up toys.

    TPTB are realizing they have to stop winding up randos by using public rhetoric, they can’t get the job done. They are going to have to take a risk and either get involved themselves in managing the rando, or hiring a professional. There’s not a lot of time left though. T is going to have to keep his schedule a little unpredictable, to minimize the amount of time the shooters have to prepare.

    • azlibertarian September 16, 2024, 12:36 PM

      …But he was an idiot….

      There are lots of ways to see his idiocy, but for me, it appears at the moment that the rifle he chose for his attempt at assassinating Trump can be had for $600, complete with scope and magazines. With apologies to nursing home dietary aids, that 20 year-old Butler, PA nursing home dietary aid was a more serious assassin than this golf course knucklehead.


      • ghostsniper September 16, 2024, 1:41 PM

        You’re assuming he had full agency in this.
        The gun and everything he had with him, and his brain programming, were supplied to him.
        Just on a quick visual, I wouldn’t buy the one at the link.
        An inept amateur has been tampering with it.

      • Snakepit Kansas September 17, 2024, 4:52 AM

        Reportedly 300-500 yards away. The rifle is an SKS, not an AK47 as originally reported. Both shoot the 7.62X39 chicom round. Neither the rifle nor the plentifully available ammunition is anything close to match grade. The rifle is/was made by the train loads for gobs of swarming ground troops. It is reliable and goes bang every time, but accuracy was not engineered into its design. You would be rucky to get 2″ groups at 100 yards, which makes 4″ at 200 and 6″ of slop at 300 yards and 10″ of slop at 500 yards.
        Even at 300 yards with 6″ slop which would include the rifle and ammunition, there is the human factor and this half-wit does not appear to be Carlos Hathcock. Let’s say 10″ of randomness on any given shot. Head shots would have a low probability, probably P=.1 or less. Center body shot if a target is completely stationary and facing you, probability of .2, just guessing.
        Trump is certainly lucky on the first attempt as ~150 yards with an AR15 should be a candy shot for a trained rifleman. I think Azlib is 100% correct, again. Regardless, I do not favor being on a two way shooting range myself.

      • John A. Fleming September 17, 2024, 10:00 PM

        Far be it from me to short-change America’s Rifle and give any advantage to the other guys. However, I have read articles that claimed that the USA went and got themselves the new M7 infantry rifle from Sig Sauer chambered in 6.8 mm because they had the unpleasant experience too many time in Afghanland of being outgunned at ranges beyond 300 meters. Apparently the 7.62×39 has better retained energy at 500 meters than the 5.56×45 in any bullet weight. The bad guys could punch through our body armor at 500 meters, and we could not do likewise. We’re going to have to update Wyatt Earp’s quote: “Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.”

        • ghostsniper September 18, 2024, 6:52 AM

          The reason that deal was made was so that gov’t employees can make some side money (kickbacks) and has nothing to do with the accuracy of the weapon. Look at the caliber of soldiers these days. This didn’t happen overnight. It’s been going on for decades. I read that in the Irak-Affy debacle US soldiers expended over 7000 rds of ammo per enemy killed.

    • Casey Klahn September 17, 2024, 7:41 AM

      A seated stance without support is a bad firing position for anything out to 200 yards; I don’t even like it for 150. What’s worse than that position? A rest made of chain link fence! That would be idiotic in the extreme, and would require your barrel to never touch the fence. It reminds me or when they had Bradley Cooper firing an extreme long range shot in American Sniper, and his support is a big vehicle gas tank shaped like a pill or a lozenge – no flat surfaces. It rocks and rolls side to side. Do this. Shoot from a bag at a 300 yard bullseye. Now place a penny on the top of the barrel, and repeat the shot. You’ll have a noticeable deviation.

      The SKS is the bastard child carbine version of the AK, in my estimation. Neither platform is very accurate as a factory system. I’ll go so far as to say that anything larger than 3x in a scope is foolishness on that steel version of a zip gun.

      Back to the case. I’m hoping they can find some powder residue on Routh or fingerprints on the weapon because a civilian took a candid of him going to his vehicle, and that’s the evidence of his guilt as far as I can see. Furthermore, the feds have charged him with 2 firearms crimes, but not attempted assassination. That bothers me greatly – he could walk under the right legal circumstances. Enter Fla governor DeSantis, who will be charging him with attempted murder, among other things. Like Texas has done, to some extent, the state of Florida is taking the fight to the federal government – meaning there is serious legal opposition to the all-powerful feds, and especially their 3 letter agencies.

      The USSS needs support now from the army. Trump needs a private praetorian guard to ride herd on the secret service to make sure security is seamless going forward. I fear the secret service will, at just the critical moment, take one step back and let the next killer do his nefarious job. The FBI – there is ample evidence that they will do many evil things to ensure the demise of the Trump legacy. The CIA? Fuggedabaoutit.

  • ghostsniper September 16, 2024, 2:37 PM

    99 days til….

  • ghostsniper September 16, 2024, 7:16 PM

    No one rules over a peaceful society. A peaceful society operates with the agreement of the vast majority, not the dictates of any one person, or entity. It is the desire for control over that peaceful society that makes whoever seeks it unworthy of it. They must use force, because they have not the ability to provide just cause to agree with them.

    Gone are the days when the revolution still inspired that unique American ideal of service to country to secure freedom and justice. Politics are just another scam, a means of wresting the last few coins from people’s pockets. Nowhere, in this modern nation is the ability of the individual to protest the evil of government by denying sustenance to it. Before income tax, property tax, sales tax and special taxes on gasoline and tobacco, the people had a much greater ability to refuse to participate in government boondoggles that generally had to be funded by bonds sold to the people. If you didn’t believe that a road or bridge would benefit you, you could simply refuse to purchase a bond. War bonds are a good example of the government’s need to ask us for further assistance. This is how a great deal of civic projects should be funded. Let those who seek to spend more to get more do so and those who do not support the project keep their change in their pockets.

    This extortion in the guise of taxes is just one of many crimes committed by government agents. Murder is a daily occurrence, violation of rights and conspiracy to violate rights are committed almost by the second. Treason seems to be almost a sport at present, each government official seeking to outdo the others, grow richer, or more powerful by selling out the constitutional demand for secure borders. Mayors and City Managers bargaining with the federal government to take in illegal immigrants and use government funds to put them up and feed them, also violations of law and treason. Failure to defend the border is the most egregious and treasonous act that can be committed by a government and all who participate or turn a blind eye are guilty of that treason.

    It’s not a lack of evidence of these crimes that keep the people silent and it isn’t cowardice, either. It’s the knowledge that when the people finally speak, it will be a voice both horrific and great, but it will obliterate any semblance of a once-united people. They know that day is coming, because their traditional means of correction for bad government has been brutally taken over by machines that lie. They’ve rigged the elections, rigged the polls and rigged public perceptions to deny the people that right, to convince them that they would lose any confrontation with the federal government, because it tries and often does, at least for a while, control the narrative. They’ve overused all of these methods and the truth is being acknowledged by more and more individuals, who might not even admit it in their own homes, but they know it to be true.

    The cover has been lifted and all the working sprockets, gears, chains and belts of their manipulations are laid bare for all to see. Traitors can rig one election and get away with it. They can assassinate one president and lie and obscure the facts enough to leave reasonable doubt in anyone, but those on the scene, of their lies. But these methods have now become the norm and the trails of lies that accompany them are easily identified. When Merrick Garland comes out as some pompous dictator and scolds the American people to believe the lies or else, it’s a validation of the crimes being committed. The oaf effectively admitted all that we suspect by decrying the need to stop noticing and talking about it.

    These are the times for which the lofty words and well-worn phrases of the Declaration of Independence were written. The Bill of Rights stand as tools to use against such crimes and treasons. Though only words, they are given power by their exertion, the denial of which only builds on the mountain of crimes already committed. The good citizens being crushed by this feral government is the cause and if it were not, why would anyone act? What would be the point of rebellion against comfort and righteousness? Rebellion is saved, harbored and kept as the last resort of a free people and cannot be unloosed except in the most extreme of times, but that rebellion is an option wisely engrained in the most profound words of the republic as an undeniable human right and the cause of establishment of these United States. Rebellion against tyranny is not only just, but one’s duty.

    Let me be clear, anyone in government, or otherwise coerced by it, who seek to silence or punish free speech, free thought or free association are guilty of 18 U.S. Code 241 Conspiracy against rights, which states:

    If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or

    If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise of enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured

    They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

    This is what I think of when I see videos of a sheriff’s deputy standing behind two federal agents at a person’s door wanting to talk to them about a social media post. The very act of a police organization, federal, state or local inquiring about an exercise of free speech is by definition intimidation. Any social media site who censor’s an act of free speech is likewise a conspirator. To me, the response should be to look at the deputy and inquire if he is part of the conspiracy or if he’s going to take the offenders into custody as the crime was committed in his presence. Get names, badge numbers and be willing to file charges on the spot.


  • Anne September 16, 2024, 10:02 PM

    If this comes out against Lachlan what effect will it have on our ability to find accurate information?


    • ghostsniper September 17, 2024, 3:30 AM

      Amna Nawaz:


      Before I let you go, Amy, I need to ask you about a recent Cook Political Report move when it comes to the Senate map. We know Democrats are on the back foot defending incumbents in red states. You and your colleagues just moved one of those races, Montana, from a toss-up to lean Republican.

      Why, and what could that mean for Senate control?

      Amy Walter:


      So Montana is the weakest link, so to speak, for Democrats in trying to control their very narrow Senate majority. What we know about Montana, it’s the most Republican state after West Virginia that Republicans — and Democrats hold. And Jon Tester, the incumbent, was able to hold on. He’s been there since 2006, in part because he was able to rise above partisanship.

      He wasn’t as associated with the national Democratic brand. That’s getting harder and harder to do in this era. He has a very strong opponent, probably the strongest opponent that he’s ever had, and polling’s showing that he is running behind not just where a Democrat needs to be to win, but running behind his Republican opponent.

      And so this is one of, if — as Montana goes, likely so goes the Senate. And so if Democrats are unable to hold onto Montana, even if they win the White House, holding onto the Senate becomes incredibly difficult, if not really impossible.


  • Casey Klahn September 17, 2024, 4:04 AM

    Looking forward to the book!

  • Anne September 17, 2024, 4:13 PM

    With regard to MT–Amy doesn’t have a clue! It is my belief the the R party have already compromised with the Dems. That is to say the Demos will hold on to Tester for the senate seat. Rumor has it there is 160 million in the Tester campaign and his opponent, who has not run before for anything is a wealthy younger guy(ex military) but not nearly as well off for the media needs. The Ds will finally win our congressional seat with their girl Monica Tranel, who by the way, they have run and run and run and finally gave her a free gov’t job when Biden came in to office. Her Federal job was handing out free money to big ranchers. She is running again for congress–big money on this campaign’s advertising against Ryan Zinke (ex Navy seal) very smart man well involved in oil and energy. Monica Tranel’s campaign is so bad they even show one where she rents his B&B and goes through the house pointing out cheap mattresses, bad views, etc.,etc. Her campaign also claims that he has been investigated 18 times while in office for the past two years–he won the last time. I know Ryan and his office staff are good people, but do not have the necessary experience. THE BIG COMPROMISE is that the Republicans get to keep our Republican governor.
    Summary of my opinion:
    Dems hold on to the senate seat
    Dems gain congressional seat
    Republicans hold on to the governor’s office.
    The Democrats ad campaigns are so horribly offensive it is almost unbelievable.

    • azlibertarian September 17, 2024, 5:54 PM

      ….Ex Navy seal….

      I say this as a friend as if I had pulled you aside and whispered this to you privately.

      If you’re not a veteran or not close to one, you’d have no reason to know this, and this is a very small point, but most veterans prefer to have their former service referred to as “former” as opposed to “Ex“. “Ex-[service name]” implies that the service member has left the military on something other than honorable terms. Bowe Bergdahl is an ex-soldier. Ryan Zinke is a former SEAL. To a veteran, these are not equivalent sentences.

      • Anne September 17, 2024, 6:38 PM

        Thank you Azlibertarian! I always appreciate good insight from knowledgable friends!

  • azlibertarian September 17, 2024, 4:59 PM

    So my YouTube feed provided me something interesting this afternoon. Adrian Fontes*, the current Arizona Secretary of State, had a press conference in which he announced that for the past 20 years our Motor Vehicle Division may have allowed 98,000 Arizonans to register to vote when these people might not be entitled to vote.

    98,000. What does 98,000 unqualified voters mean?

    In 2020, the vote difference between Trump and Biden was 10,457. For the Senate race between Martha McSally (who, IMO, was a horrible candidate) and Mark Kelly (who was and is worse) was 78, 806. [Source]

    In 2022, in the Governor’s race between Kari Lake and Katie Hobbs, the difference was 17, 117.

    This is quite a change for Adrian Fontes. Seven years ago, when he was running for Maricopa County Recorder (the county agency which administers elections, among other functions) he had a somewhat different tune. I eagerly await the charges coming from our Attorney General. But if you look back at my Source for the 2022 vote counts, you’ll see that the Democrat Kris Mayes won her race for Attorney General over Abe Hamedah by…..wait for it…..511 votes, I may have to wait a while to see those charges.

    * The non-Arizonans here might not know that when Fontes was in his private law practice, he was “…an attorney representing clients in narco-terrorism and firearms scandals.

  • Anne September 17, 2024, 5:55 PM

    * The non-Arizonans here might not know that when Fontes was in his private law practice, he was “…an attorney representing clients in narco-terrorism and firearms scandals“.

    Holy S&*T! It gets worse and worse!

    I was going to add to my last comment that I had only projected half correct as to who the D’s would choose for their candidate. I predicted Patty Murray ( white woman) they chose KH (black woman) I was at least half right!

  • Casey Klahn September 18, 2024, 5:25 AM

    I was as open minded as I could be that Crooks found the obvious flaws in the secret service defenses in Bishop, and exploited them. Now, another 2-bit would-be assassin lines up Trump in short order.

    Here’s some context that I feel colors the whole story. DeSantis takes whatever authority he can muster and charges Routh with crimes under Florida jurisdiction. Where is Routh in custody? Will he get the Oswald treatment?

    It now appears to me that the federal government has a keen interest in the assassination of Trump. Too keen, if you know what I mean. These are very dark days, my friends. I also read where Hillary, Harris and Walz have all put you & I on notice: our speech is free as long as it comports with liberal truths. You are subject to arrest for whatever – mean tweets, non-support (silence) on the subject of LGBTQ support, your opinion on voting anomalies.

    All of a sudden I wouldn’t mind having 10 SKS’ in a crate, and a pallet of .308. No reason. Forget what I said yesterday about that being a POS carbine.

    • ghostsniper September 18, 2024, 6:59 AM

      “It now appears to me that the federal government has a keen interest in the assassination of Trump.”

      That may be, but it’s not apparent by the past 2 exercises.
      Serious people do serious work, seriously.
      Have these 2 incidents been serious?
      Even a silly clown knows the answer to that.
      What I will let, is that someone is spending some money and causing the illusion that Trump may get killed.

      Now, ask yourself, if you were a billionaire and were in a position where people were trying to kill your ass would you trust your life to proven gov’t clowns?

      • Casey Klahn September 18, 2024, 9:39 AM

        What caused me to discount the Crooks attempt as nefarious, was his low order of everything. He was young, troubled, not particularly talented, not well armed, poorly trained (being generous). I asked: “would the govt. send that example of a turdhead to do a man’s job?”

        But, given two examples I now wonder if the CIA isn’t just as shit-brained as every other top agency. Poorly led, and not particularly competent throughout. OTOH, could this be an espionage style scheme where they cultivate a team of losers and send them through a maze of open doors all leading to a rendezvous with destiny? Not planned meticulously, but sort of a gentle push into the matrix of chaos and with particular intent. Untraceable, but connectable nevertheless.

        Who knows? I’m just now seeing that police dogs found a car-borne bomb at the Long Island Trump rally this morning. Breaking.

        Imagine the interesting assassination shit that a contemporary espionage department could employ. Do not rule out explosive micro-tech.

        As far as your question goes, refer to my prior comments on AD where I call for a praetorian guard that is extra-governmental (private) and full of tripwire vets. It would take very few operators/administrators because their portfolio would be to organize current assets to make the defenses work.

  • jd September 18, 2024, 7:55 AM

    Thank you, Neo!

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